how i look on you?? chapter 19

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Taylor's POV

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Taylor's POV

I can't believe it the perfect guy betrayed my trust..... we were on the cover of magazines in just a few weeks. I don't understand how we could have gone so wrong. I'm listening to music on my laptop i usually listen to country but today I'm feeling my girl ariana grande. As I'm listening a song title i haven't seen before comes up i click on it.

"Say you want me anyway do you? You can handle all this fame can ya? Like me just the way i just the way i yuh yuh yuh we step out on friday night new front page it's a cute headline i made you a thing like who's that guy say you ain't in it for the spot light boy, i don't believe no one no more boy, show me what your in it for been out of luck when it comes to love say do you like how i look or just how i look on you?" My headphones play on and i nod my head

{Huh, this is catchy and kind relates speaking of magazines I'm gonna go check the mail i can't wait to see the headlines *note the sarcasm please*}

I get out of bed and plug my head phones in my phone and play the song as I'm walking i see kade's house door home he comes out shirtless and looking rough like he's lost sleep. I sigh and keep walking i probably look the same.

I check the mail and sure enough the magazine title "THIS JUST IN! KADE&TAYLOR HAVE BROKEN UP! IS IT FOR GOOD? WILL THEY MAKE UP? OR IS IT REALLY OVER?" i roll my eyes and slam the mail box shut

"Hi" kade says

I jump "AHHH! fuck! You scared me bab- i mean uh thanks no! I mean umm" i say stuttering {why am i stuttering??}

He chuckles at my nervousness "what's that?" He asks motioning toward the magazine

I show him and his smile falls i sigh "I'm sorry, but we need some time"

He nods "i know, just remember i will always love you and I'd never do anything to hurt you well, not intentionally of course"

I smile "i know"

"So" he says

"So?" I ask half smiling

"In case your wondering riley isn't moving here after all her parents said they needed her back home so she's in Georgia" he says

I nod "katie say anything about lying to me?" I ask

"Not a word she didn't say anything just walked out" he says

I sigh "alright, uh you can umm text me tonight if you'd like"

He nods and smiles "i will taylor"

"Kade?" I ask

"Yes Taylor?" He asks

"Remember i will always love you as well, and this isn't the end for us it's a a break" i say smiling

He smiles widely "good, but still hurts like hell"

"I know, it hurts me too but if we get through this then we can get through anything" i say smiling and going into my house

*night time*

I'm in bed reading the article of this stupid magazine i slam it shut and throw it across my room another reads "ARE TAYLOR&KATIE FIGHTING? ARTICLE ON PAGE67" i throw it as well and see a message from kade on my phone

K: hi...


K: what are you doing?

T: nothing much, sitting in my room alone :/ I've- nevermind

K: same here and what?

T:it doesn't matter...

K: tell me.

T: okay, okay I'm 😍😜👉👌

K: your in the mood??

T: yeah.....

K: maybe i could help? 😏

T: mmm sounds tempting 😏

K: wanna come over? My parents aren't home nor is Katie&Alex 😏

T: yes but only because i need this

K: i know, after this I'll give you time even it means waiting forever

I smile and head over to kade's house he anwsers shirtless and in his boxers and wearing a sexy smile. I smirk

"Mmm, looking good" i say smiling

He smirks and pulls me in shutting the door. His lips land on mine and our tongues are fighting for dominance against each other. We make our way to his room and fall on the bed without breaking the kiss. I strip out of my clothes he strips out of his boxers and kisses me again i moan softly his kisses trail from my lips to my collar bone.

"Fuck!" I moan

He smirks and contiunes leaving kisses down my body he reaches my tight wet pussy and begins to eat me out. I throw my head back in pleasure and moan loudly.

"OH FUCK!" i moan

"Feels good doesn't it?" He asks

I bite my lip and nod not being able to speak. He contiunes until i cum he licks it up and thrusts into me hard. Moans fill the room as his lips find mine once again we both soon find our release and i feel his warmth inside of me.

"Damn, not to seem like a bitch but i should get home work tommrow" i say smiling and getting dressed

He nods "before you go can we share a one last kiss for awhile?" He asks

I smile and nod going to him he's sat on his bed i sit in his lap and kiss him like there's no tommrow. He walks me back home and i crawl in bed more confused than i did getting out. Lol.

A/N: emojis to describe this chapter? Mine are: 😭😱🤦‍♀️😍😮😔😂👩‍💻 see you soon!

A/N: emojis to describe this chapter? Mine are: 😭😱🤦‍♀️😍😮😔😂👩‍💻 see you soon!

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