❤rocketeer❤chapter 9

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Taylor's POV

So tonight is a sad day it's Tuesday night and kade has to leave for L.A he goes on tour tonight 😭 so we are spending a little time together

"What?" Kade asks

I sigh "I'm gonna miss you"

"I know I'm gonna miss you too" he says holding my hand

I sigh and kiss him he kiss back "i got some chocolate chip cookies for kade!" My mom beams

"Thank you destiny" kade says smiling

"No problem honey i know it's busy and i wanna make sure you eat so I've also made lasagna, garlic bread and chocolate cheesecake" my mom says smiling

He smiles "i appericate it destiny but you didn't have to"

"Oh shush!" She beams

He chuckles "just accept it she won't take no for an answer" i say smiling

He nods "alright I'll take them with me thank you for everything destiny"

"Mom? Can i go with kade to the airport?" I ask

"Sure sweetie drive your car so you have a way back okay?" She asks

"Okay" i say smiling

*kade's phone rings*

"Hello?" He asks

"It's time to come to the airport" clarissa says

"Okay I'm on the way my girl is coming to say goodbye" he says

"That's fine see you soon" she says hanging up

I hop in my car and follow kade to the airport

"Flight 343 for los Angeles is now boarding" a worker says

I look up to kade "I'm gonna miss you so much"

He nods "I'm gonna miss you too"

Tears stream down my cheeks he leans down and kisses me passionately i kiss back

"Last call for flight 343 to los Angeles"

"I gotta go" he says

I nod as tears are still falling "i know"

"I love you I'll try to call" he says

"I love you too" i say

I watch him head to his terminal gate i gather myself and drive home

"Hey sweetie" my dad says hugging me i hug back "hey dad"

"Wanna play monopoly with your old man?" He asks

I laugh "of course so i whip your ass"

He laughs "in your dreams princess"

"Hey what are y'all doing?" Luke asks

"Monopoly wanna join?" I ask

"Sure and lexi is out with alex before he leaves" luke says

"Okay it isn't like she really cares" i say

"It's lexi sis what do you expect?" Luke asks

"True" i say nodding

We sit and play monopoly in the living room

"Ha! I won!" I beam

Dad laughs "well shit"

I laugh "thanks dad thanks luke i love you guys, mom, and lexi so much but I'm gonna head to my room yeah?"

"Okay sweetie we love you too your mom is in our room reading" my dad says

"Okay dad goodnight mom,goodnight luke, goodnight daddy" i say smiling

"Goodnight princess" dad says smiling

"Goodnight sis" luke says waving

"Goodnight babygirl we love you too" mom says from hers&dad's room

I go to my room and grab the fault in our stars and read from it i grab my phone and listen to music i listen to "rocketeer" by far east movement or in other words mine&kade's song i soon fall asleep thinking of kade

A/N: see you in the next one!

A/N: see you in the next one!

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