call of duty bets? chapter 6

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Taylor's POV

So luke&i are starting a new thing where who's ever team on call of duty loses they have to do something embrassing/gross/funny/werid ect. My team is winning so far but he's not that far behind me

"AH HA! WE WIN SIS!" he screams

I laugh "okay what do i have to do?"

"Lexi? Come here" luke says

"Yeah?" She asks

"You remember the lines between ancksunamun and Nefertiti in the mummy right?" He asks

"Yeah?" She asks

"You as well taylor?" He asks

"Yeah?" I ask

"Reenact the scene were they are fighting" he says smiling

"We don't have weapons" i say

"And I'm not wearing my undies infront of you Luke" lexi says

"Here use my nerf swords, here's masks and i didn't say that just do it" he says laughing

We spar and i fall to the ground like nefertiti she stands over me

"Put your mask on we wouldn't hurt that pretty face" she says smiling

I growl and get up as we spar some more she grabs me and throws my knives i grab a nerf axe she grabs a nerf spear we spar again and i fall to the fround

"You're learning very quickly I'll have to watch my back" she says smiling

"Yes, and I'll watch mine" i say

He laughs "bravo! Bravo!"

I roll my eyes and get up "your a dork"

"I know but I'd do anything for you both" he says smiling

"We know dingle dork" i say smiling

He smiles "what are you gonna do now tay?" He asks

"Well, since my boyfriend is in nashville I'll probably hang out here or something?" I ask

"Gotcha i was just wondering" he says smiling

"Alright" i say heading to my room

Once in my room i grab my laptop and start editing a vlog

*knock on door*

"Who is it?" I ask

"Kate!" Kate says smiling

"Come in" i say smiling

"What are you doing?" She asks

"Editing a vlog why? Wanna be in it?" I ask

She smiles widely "of course i do shoot it!"


Heyyyy and welcome back to tay's vlogs today i have my amazing bestfriend kate with me

"Hey y'all" kate beams

I giggle, anyways we are gonna be doing each other make up

"But there's a twist" Kate says smiling

We will be doing it blindfolded

"So let's get right into it" she says smiling

*A little while later*

"Omg i actually look good!" Kate beams

I giggle, jeez thanks i look good too

That's gonna do it for this vlog we hope you enjoyed! I'll see you in the next one subscribe if you haven't already click the bell and turn on notifications to get notified when i post which is every 3-4 days so see you soon!

"That was so much fun!" Kate beams

I smile "i know right it was improvised i didn't even plan on doing that it was just gonna be an update about kade" i say blushing

She giggles "speaking of what's up with you two? He seems happier?"

"I kissed him yesterday during guitar lessons" i say

She chuckles "about time"

"What? I thought you'd freak out" i say

"No way, I'd love you as my sister in law" she says smiling

"Whoa whoa whoa kate we are just starting out" i say smiling

"Okay and? He loves you i can feel it" she says smiling

I roll my eyes and shake my head "i won't argue besides he's gonna call me tonight"

"Oooo then I'm out i want details tommrow!" She says leaving

*phone convo*

Kade: hey sugar

I smile

Taylor: hi honey

Kade: how are you this evening?

Taylor: good even though my face looks horrible

Kade: what makes you say that?

Taylor: kate&i did a vlog where we did each other's make up blindfolded

Kade: haha i bet you look beautiful

I blush even though he can't see me

Kade: you're blushing?

Taylor: how did you know?

He laughs

Kade: sugar it's easy you always blush with me

Taylor: not my fault your a sweetheart

Kade: aw thank you darling i try to be

We spend the rest of the night talking until he has to get off to do another show I head the hay because I'm tired really tired

We spend the rest of the night talking until he has to get off to do another show I head the hay because I'm tired really tired

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