😱who's Riley?😱 chapter 18

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A/N: hello people get ready for some drama👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻 i was watching the thundermans and got this idea haha let's go...

A/N: hello people get ready for some drama👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻 i was watching the thundermans and got this idea haha let's go

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Taylor's POV

I've been texting kade all day but no reply. I wonder what's going on with him? I decided to text katie to see if she knows

T: hey babes! Have you seen or talked to kade today??

K: nope, i haven't seen him since lastnight why?

T: he isn't replying to my texts nor calls 😕

K: I'm sorry babes :/ I'll tell him to call you once i see him

T: thanks girl

K: no problem.

I sigh and put my phone on charge because it's at 5%. I turn on the tv and scroll through the channels to find something on.

"Hey sis what's wrong?" Luke asks sitting next to me

"What makes you think something is wrong?" I ask

"Hmm, let's see your looking sad, your wearing comfy cothes instead of cute, and you aren't touching your phone like usual so what's up?" He asks

I sigh "don't you have a date with katie or something?"

"No, she said she was busy tonight helping her old friend riley with moving" he says

"Is she moving into their house or her own?" I ask

"I think her own" he says

I furrow my brows "wait.... katie just text me and said she hasn't seen kade" i say

"Kade? Oh i seen him outside he was washing his truck" luke says

"Really?" I ask

"With his shirt off eww like i wanna see that shit" luke says

I run outside and see kade washing his truck i sigh go over to him tapping his shoulder. He turns around shocked then smiles.

"Hey sweetie" he says smiling

"Don't "hey sweetie" me" i say annoyed

"What's wrong baby?" He asks

"I tried texting you to see if you wanted to hangout" i say

He sighs "sorry babe, i was washing my truck and-" he's cut off my a female's voice


My eyes widen "who's this?" I ask

"Riley, my umm ex girlfriend" he says

"The one that katie is helping move?" I ask

"Yeah how did you know?" He asks

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