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The universe has its way of finding people their true destiny. Especially when it comes a lost call in their history. . .

California. The sun keeps the citizens warm and cozy from cold areas. The cold waves hit the hot sandy shore and youngsters were having fun in their usual routines; cycling, hanging out with their friends. If only they never get to move out.

A moving van parked in front of a beautiful Mediterranean house. Bunch of workers dressed in grey uniforms brought the brown boxes that are needed to be placed in the moving van. On the left side of the second floor, inside the first door was a blonde girl who was packing her clothes to put in her luggage.

Her golden silk hair was tied in a hair bun as the sun from her window reflected her fair skin tone. She was putting her favourite Harry Potter novels in a box marked Raziella's stuff. She pushed her thin glasses on her nose as her eyes set to look over the beautiful coast of California.

Her heart will surely miss her school, the town and her friends when her parents brought the news to her that they're going to move to another side of the country; New York City. Her heart clenched. Tears are filling at the corners of her eyes. She should not have thought a lot.

Her hand grabbed a photo that was set on her night stand. The photo frame consists of her and her friends standing behind California High School; four girls were smiling from ear to ear as their arms stretched out on each other's back. Azura and Sakura's smiles show elegance and divinity. On the other hand, Eva showed her brightly white teeth while her red curly hair waved, just like her wild personality. Nostalgia was going in her heart that she wished she could stay back. If she could have imagined this, her parents' jobs wouldn't get transferred.

'I'm going to miss you, girls.' It's gonna be a bit hard for her since her family is moving to a new environment full of different people, different cuisine and new sights. The thought blew a sad sigh out of her mouth.

She didn't startle when she heard a knock on her door. She turned her head to a woman carrying a bag while leaning her body to the white wooden door; her curly black hair also tied in a ponytail, her yellow shirt coated by a purple vest complete with blue jeans and sandals. Her smile –full of assurance–on her face dropped when she noticed her daughter's look.

"Hello, sweetie," Her mother greeted calmly as she walked slowly towards her.

"Hi, mom," She responded. She twiddled her fingers while looking around her room. It was filled with joy and happiness until it died to a sudden silence. She dropped her whole body on the bed. Her eyes avoided her mother's gaze but she could sense her body being burned.

"Is everything okay?" She joined her on her bed as she put a hand on her shoulder.

"To be honest, no. I'm going to leave my friends here. Do we really have to go? I mean, why couldn't we stay?" Her brows furrowed and lips pressed. She can stay with her aunts and uncles who only lived a few blocks away, though she wished to just stay close with her aunt. Her uncle seemed to change throughout her preteen years. He doesn't do drugs or drinking but a feeling in her heart said that he's a bad omen.

Giving a sigh, she said, "I'm sorry, but your father and I have to do this. Of course, we have to leave everything we grew up with but it's for the best. Besides, we can get to see new places, meet new people and probably try new things."

Thinking what she said might be right. It's heart wrenching for them but it's for their own best for their future.

Raziella then looked at her. A smile lifted, "I guess you're right, mom. Thanks."

"No problem, Rose. You should get all packed. We're going to leave in an hour."

With that, she hugged her daughter soothingly before leaving her room. Her mother stopped before turning her head to her, "Aunt Lily and Uncle Jerome will be here soon before our departure."

She almost dropped her novel, startled by the words her mother just spoke.

'He can't see me' her heartbeat stopped for a second before continuing its regular sync. She turned her head and her mother was no longer in sight. She heard footsteps fainting away.

She got up from her bed and looked through the window. The sun was about to be concealed by thick grey clouds; an upcoming sadness in her mind, she should say. Her head wondered about how her life will be in a new city, surrounded by new people.

She had to keep a mental note to herself about her new surroundings; bullies always messed with the new kids, creepy strangers at night and the city has always been busy. Well, she had to avoid as much as possible or stay close to a small group during free periods at her new school. For strangers, she can keep a pepper spray with her in case. She had to be home before sunset too.

After she finally zipped her luggage and about to leave her room, her eyes on a final look in her room; the calm pink walls plastered with posters of her favourite boy bands and piles of novels at the side of her bed. But that was in the past. She is going to the future.

"Hey, Ziella! We're about to go! C'mon!" Raziella turned around to see a teenage girl, carrying two black plastic bags beneath her arms. The sunlight beamed through her room illuminated her light brown skin, curly brown hair hanging freely and her raven black eyes sparked an eternal darkness. Her red shirt hugged her body loosely but her black leggings wrapped her legs perfectly, completed with black short heels.

'Well, it's time for me to go.' She pressed her lips at the thought. "Coming, Ruby!" she cried.

Walking out of her room, she passed through the white painted hall that used to have pictures of her family but it was stocked away in the boxes.

She finally stopped at the porch where she saw her mother, Cella, talking to her aunt while her uncle was looking at the house until his eyes dropped to Raziella. His eyes narrowed but he lifted a sly smirk, unnoticed by the people around them.

Her knees almost trembled when she cut her gaze on him and proceeded walking to the moving van. She had to stay strong.

She saw a middle aged man dressed in white shirt coated by a yellow jacket; black jeans and sneakers standing near a car. His forehead had a few wrinkles on it, and came to her way as he wanted to give a hand to Raziella.

"It's okay, dad. I can do it," she gave a smile and he nodded his head.

When they finally finished packing their things, she witnessed her mother and her aunt hugging like there's no tomorrow along with her father and her uncle talking. She saw her father motioning his hand for her to come. She gulped as she walked towards them. His father's right hand landed on her right shoulder, giving a pat.

"Well, some things have to move on, Rayner," her uncle commented. His hands crossed over his fat belly.

"Back at you, brother. Cmon, Rose." He smiled out.

He gave a few pats and she knew what the signals were. Her arms snaked beneath his arms when she sensed her skin's feeling a little hot. And it's not from the heat of the sun.

"See you soon, lil girl," his whisper was so raspy, she could vomit in the scene. She can smell the bad scent on his shoulder. 'He must be drunk,' her thought screamed at her to run fast.

When he released her, she could feel his hand touching her waist for a second. She felt disgusted at that point. Her feet scampered to the red Acura Vigor. One of the things she's glad she can be as far away from that indecent being.

She got into the car. Her father was the last one to be in before turning his key to start the engine. She looked out of the window to see her aunt–plastering a sad smile–waving while her uncle just stayed by her side, staring at her until they were no longer seen. They were on their way to the airport for their new home.

Raziella looked out her window and saw kids her age were skateboarding and hanging out in the parks. She will miss her moments in the sunny city, where she planted her childhood memories.

But soon, her life in a new city will take an unexpected turn.

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