V1 Chapter 16: Partners

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

It felt like I was laying on a table. I could tell my helmet was off and that kinda worried me.

Thea: (Y/N)?

I then heard Thea's voice as I was fully coming to. I then opened my eyes and saw the archer from before.

Me *Screaming because lack of space.*: AAAHHH!!! *Falls onto the floor and stopped screaming.* Ow!

???: Sorry, (Y/N)!

Me *Getting up.*: Thea?

She pulls down her hood and then takes off her mask with a sly smirk. I really was not expecting this.

Thea: Looks like both of our secrets are out.

Me: I suppose they are. Tell you what, you keep my secret and I'll keep your's, deal?

Thea: Deal.

Me: So, what exactly do you call yourself?

Thea: I've been particularly fond of Night Archer. How about you.

Me: Oh, I don't have a name yet.

Thea: Hmm... How about the (F/N)?

Me: The (F/N)... I like it.

Thea: So, why did you pass out?

Me: I'm not 100% sure, but if I had to guess, I would say lack of food. The normal human body burns off a certain amount each day, but when you run as fast as me, you would most likely need to consume a certain amount, which would explain why I am always hungry recently.

Thea: Speaking of that, how can you know-

Me: Run really fast.

Thea: Yeah.

Me: The night the particle accelerator went up I was working in my lab\attic. I was using a chain to close one of the roof windows and then a bolt of lightning struck me into some of the chemicals I worked with. The dark matter and the chemicals caused a cellular D.N.A. change in my body and it also put me into a 10 months comma.

Thea: The one you said you just woke up from?

Me: Correct.

Thea: So then why didn't you save your mom? Sorry, I shouldn't have-

Me: It's fine. There was someone that night at my house with my abilities, except they had red lightning. They murdered my mother in front of me and knocked me unconscious and placed me blocks away from my house and when, I got home the police took my father for his murder. Now, you may be wondering why I chose to visit Starling City for my spring break. I have two reasons actually, one was because my cousin lives here, but I don't really want to burden him with my problems so I have been staying in a abandoned warehouse for the time being.

Thea: Why? You could get sick. You can stay here, I obviously have the space.

Me: Thanks but, I don't won't to burden you with my problems either.

Thea: It's no problem really.

Me: There's no turning down your offer is there?

Thea *Smirking.*: Nope. So what was the other reason you came here.

He then runs to the warehouse and back with everything he brought with him to Starling, including a (F/C) hammock. He then grabs his parts he bought from the junkyard out of a bag.

Me: I am somewhat of an inventor. I build things out of junk and get some really cool results. Starling City had the pieces I needed for a energy shield to combat against this crazy criminal's cold gun. It can shoot a ice beam below zero so, I neede something to combat it.

Thea: Ah. Hey I got an idea.

Me: What might that be?

Thea: Why don't we work together since your staying here? You could help me take the hacker. What do you say, partners? *Sticks hand out.*

Me *Shakes her hand.*: Partners.

(To be continued...)

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