V1 Chapter 40: Multi What?

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  It was a few days after the (F/N) beat two villains and got a earful from his friend. Right now he was running around the city with green lighting trailing off him.

He was at it the entire day and couldn't find any bad guys so he started to run home until he saw a portal opens by the park

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He was at it the entire day and couldn't find any bad guys so he started to run home until he saw a portal opens by the park

He was at it the entire day and couldn't find any bad guys so he started to run home until he saw a portal opens by the park

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and something swings out and hits a building.

As (F/N) runs to investigate all of a sudden sobody on a glider

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As (F/N) runs to investigate all of a sudden sobody on a glider

As (F/N) runs to investigate all of a sudden sobody on a glider

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comes out of the portal and then it closes. The person then lands on the top of the building and the (F/N) runs up the side to encounter the person.

???: Portal test is complete. I believe this device that I have built into my suit works. However, reentry was rather rough, if I adjust the frequency I may have a better shot at not crashing.

(F/N): Um... Hello?

  The stranger than turns around and sees (F/N). He also appears to be dressed in a metallic Spider-Man cosplay.

 He also appears to be dressed in a metallic Spider-Man cosplay

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(This belongs to me.)
He hops off his glider and sticks it on his back.

???: Hello. Is there some sort of cosplay around here?

(F/N): Funny, I was gonna say the same thing. Why are you dressed as Spider-Man?

???: Why are you dressed like the Flash?

(F/N): Dude are you serious? I'm the (F/N). You haven't heard of me?

???: The (F/N)? What Earth is this?

(F/N): Um, the only Earth.

???: Got it. No multiverse travel yet. Okay... What's your real name?

(F/N): Why would I tell you that? I don't know you and quite frankly if you believe your on another Earth, you might not be all there seeing as how your also dressed as some version of Iron-Spider.

???: Oh, where are my manners. I am Crimson-Spider of Earth 198, but you can call me (Y/N).

  He then pulls down his hood and lifts his metallic mask to reveal (F/N)'s own face.

(F/N): What the?!

  (F/N) then runs him to his house before anyone can see and they both arrive in (F/N)'s house.

  (F/N) then runs him to his house before anyone can see and they both arrive in (F/N)'s house

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(F/N) then removes his helmet showing Crimson-Spider that they share the same face.

Crimson-Spider: Interesting. A doppelganger of mine that received powers, but not of spider, but rather a speedster.

(F/N): So you're me from another world?

Crimson-Spider: Correct. Now, I am sure you have questions so ask away.

(To be continued...)

So guys, if you have any questions you want to ask Crimson, just put them in the comments and he'll anwnser them in the next chapter. Later.

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