V1 Chapter 41: You're Me?

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Before you start reading this please know that I got some facts about the Flash Chemicals from this article, aminoapps.com/c/comics/page/blog/flash-chemicals-actually-exist/55iV_uPz3o5LPPqeBGqXZvKBDZa8W. Now then, let's get started.


(F/N): So you're me from another world?

Crimson-Spider: Correct. Now, I'm sure you have some questions, so ask away.

(F/N): Right... So, what should I call you?

Crimson-Spider: Crimson's fine.

(F/N): Right... So, Crimson... How exactly did you become well...

Crimson: A Spider-Man?

(F/N): Yeah.

Crimson: I was kidnapped by A.I.M. scientists, experimented on, and then bitten by a radioactive spider. I later chose to use these abilities to protect others and hunt down those responsible for this and my Nana's murder.

(F/N): Nana... As in...

Crimson: My favorite grandmother.

(F/N): What about mom? Is she still alive?

Crimson: Mom is just fine, even more overprotective now, but f- Wait, what do you mean still alive?

(F/N): Oh... I- *Sighs.* Mom was murdered and dad was framed for it.

Crimson: What?! No- Grr... AAAAHHHH!!!! F****** S***! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! COME ON! WHY?!


Crimson: I- I'm sorry. You're right that was uncalled for. So how did your origin story start?

(F/N): Right in this very room actually... I was working with some chemicals when a wave of dark matter was spread through a storm cloud after the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator exploded. That storm could made a bolt of lighting that stuck me when I was using that chain to close the window on the roof. The impact pushed me into some chemicals I was working with that night and put me into a 10 months comma and I awoke like this.

Crimson: I see. I assume the chemicals were Mangate (VI) and Vanadium Oxide. Mangate (VI) can be turned into an oxidizing agent. Forensics use it to find traces of blood on crime scenes, but it's very easy to obtain if you know the right people. Plus, given that it was a lighting bolt that struck you it could have caused alpha radiation from the dark matter. Adding this and going back to the lightning bolt, the Vanadium Oxide should have prevented any burns because it's flame resistant. However, it's a high electricity conductor.

(F/N): Wow you're good.

Crimson: Thanks.

(F/N): So, who made your suit?

Crimson: I did. I used technology in my first suit to analyze other tech on my first dimension hoping trip.

(F/N): Wait, this isn't your first trip to another dimension?

Crimson: Nope and it probably won't be my last. My last one which was quite recently, I me and some other versions of ourselves had to help save the multiverse from an evil demon named Dormammu and his lackeys.

(F/N): Dormammu? Man that's top level stuff right- Wait, other versions of us? You met other versions of us?! What were they like.

Crimson: Well some may not have been the brightest out of the bunch, but when it came to working as a team and strength in power these guys were no push overs let me tell ya. Heck even the first one I met, Scarlet he had a few years of experience and a good heart under his belt.

(F/N): Wow, okay what friends or even a girlfriend?

Crimson: Well Tony gave me these resources, so I guess he's alright. Peter came with the Avengers to save me, David, and Sarah, so he's definitely a hero in my book. Gwen and Miles are great too, but they could use more practice like the rest of us. Oh, and sadly no not yet.

(F/N): That seems about right.

Crimson: Yeah, but who knows? Maybe we'll both get lucky soon. After all most versions of us I met were in a relationship. One of them even had kids.

(F/N): Kids?!

Crimson: It was a shock to me too.

(F/N): I'll say.

Crimson: Who's that?

(F/N): My friend, Thea.

Crimson: Thea? As in Thea Queen?

(F/N): Yeah?

Crimson: You know who her brother is right?

(F/N): Yeah, Oliver Queen. The Arrow. What's it's matter? She's Night Archer.

Crimson: Night Archer? Huh, I guess there are some changes here too.

(F/N): What do you mean?

Crimson: She is supposed to be Speedy. Eh, maybe later down the line.

(F/N): Speedy? That's Oliver's nickname for her!

Crimson: I know. Aren't you gonna answer?

(F/N): Oh crap! *Picks up the phone.* Hey Thea, what's up?

Thea: I saw the Central City news earlier. Something about green lightning chasing after a drone that came out of a portal?

(F/N): It was't a drone-

Crimson: It was me!

Thea: I know you were the green lightning (Y/N).

(F/N): That wasn't me that said that. Well it was, but wasn't. Gah, hold on you need to see for yourself. Where are you?

Thea: The loft, what's going-

   (F/N) then runs himself and Crimson over to Thea's loft without their masks on. Leaving Thea a bit shocked.

Thea: on?...

(F/N): Thea meet... me, I guess?

Crimson: Hi, *Sticks hand out.* (Y/N) (L/N) of Earth 198. I go by Crimson-Spider, Crimson's fine.

Thea: Hi? *Shakes hand.* So, you're him from another world.

Crimson: That is correct, yes.

Thea: I need to sit down.

(To be continued...)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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