V1 Chapter 26: A Quick Favor

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*Previously on The Fastest Teen Alive.*

Thea: Well besides that whole fiasco, I had fun.

(Y/N) *Smiling.* Yeah, me too surprisingly, but Nightclubs still aren't my thing.

Thea: Don't worry, I will convert you later.

(Y/N): You will try.

Thea: You're a good dancer for a first timer. You're girlfriend is very lucky too have you.

(Y/N): I actually never had a girlfriend. Every girl I fell for never seemed to like me back.

Thea *Confused.*: What? Are you serious?

(Y/N): Yeah, oh well. Hakuna matata, am I right? Anyways I should probably call S.T.A.R. Labs and alert them about this Shadow Witch. Ah man, Cisco is going to kill me for naming the bad guy first.

While (Y/N) walks away thinking out loud, Thea is trying to figure out why he hasn't been taken yet and some how fines herself smiling and slightly relieved not knowing why.

*Now present time.*

(Y/N) is currently trying to get a hold of Barry and the rest of the team while listening to the news.

News Person: We now know that it was thanks to the Arrow, his team, and two new vigilantes that Brother Eye is now behind bars. It turns out that it was really a man named Cooper Sheldon who was behind the attack.

*Ring. Ring. Ring.*

Barry: Hey (Y/N), what's up?

(Y/N): Finally you pick up.

Barry: It's been a long day, what do you need?

(Y/N): i need everyone to meet me at S.T.A.R. Labs in a hour if you can.

Barry: Okay, what's going on?

(Y/N): I fought my first Metahuman here in Starling, but she got away.

Barry: Why didn't you call for back-up?

(Y/N): Because I already had some.

Barry: Wait-did you meet the Arrow?

(Y/N): Short of, but I was referring to my new partner whenever I visit Starling City, the Night Archer.

Barry: Who's he? Does he work with the Arrow?

(Y/N): No she doesn't, but they are on the same side and that's what matters.

Barry: Oh crap, sorry for assuming-

(Y/N): It's okay. Listen, I need to prepare everything for my return and say my goodbyes to my family here.

Barry: Okay, yeah sure go-ahead, I'll gather everyone here. Also, there is someone here we would like you to meet and Dr. Wells has some really good news for you when you get back.

(Y/N): Um... Okay? Later Barry.

Barry: Later (Y/N).

(Y/N) hangs up and Thea walks up behind him. She then speaks up.

Thea: So, what's in that box you brought from your cousin's house? *Points to the box.*

(Y/N): Just an old hobby

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(Y/N): Just an old hobby.

He walks up to the box and opens it up. He then pulls something out of the box and Thea looks surprised at the (F/C) bow and arrow.

 He then pulls something out of the box and Thea looks surprised at the (F/C) bow and arrow

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(Replace red with your favorite color, unless red is your favorite color.)

(Y/N): Don't look too surprised Thea, after all you're Night Archer. What do ya say, care to maybe train me at something else for a bit Speedy?

Thea: Oh you are so on (F/N/N). [Flash nick name, like how the Flash is nick named the Scarlet Speedster.] Let's dance.

(To be continued...)

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