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My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the room. My eyes falling on the sleeping man next to me. I smiled lightly and turned over onto my side.

He was still asleep, his mouth slightly open, small snores escaping his perfect lips.

He was perfect. In that moment, I knew. I was going to marry him. Everything I've ever wanted was laying right next to me. I didn't know how long I layed there for.

His eyes fluttered open and he looked around, eventually his eyes met mine. Those beautiful, blue eyes. "Good morning." I smiled. "Morning." He said, his voice raspy and rough from sleep. "Come here." He said, pulling me to him by my waist. I giggled and straddled his waist, running my hands up and down his chest. I could feel him under me. "Someone's got a problem." I smirked. "Only caused by you, baby." He said, sitting up and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I wrapped mine around his neck and he flipped us over.

He flopped down next to me, huffing as he was catching his breathe. "That will never get old." He smiled. "You can say that again." I smiled back.

"You got any plans today?" I asked, as he got up and put on a clean pair of underwear. "No, but I'm going to the house. You wanna come with?" He asked. "No, I'm supposed to going somewhere with Kat, Xepher, and devyn." I said. He nodded then walked out of the room.

I got up and got ready. I put on a pair of regular high waist jeans, and one of Colby's hoodies. I walked out and grabbed my keys. "Bye, I love you." I said, kissing Colby on the cheek. I reached for the door handle, but was pulled back. I turned around and was met with a pair of soft lips against mine. I melted into his touch and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I love you." He said, as he pulled away.

I let him go and walked out the door, my face red as a tomato.

I got to devyns house and walked inside. Kat and Xepher were already here.

"Hey!" They all greeted. We were waiting on Griffin, as we thought he was coming with Xepher but he didn't. "So, how's it been going?" Devyn asked. I haven't seen her for a while, she's kind of been distant since her and Corey broke up. I think it all effect everyone since she was so close with the same friend group as him.

"It's good, how's it going for you though?" I asked. "It's going good. I mean, it can hard sometimes. Nothing I can't get through." She shook it off. "How's Colby?" She asked wiggling her eye brows. "What do you mean?" I knew what she meant, but wasn't going to there. "You know what I mean. I was gonna go over there the other day, I heard you two hashing it out." She laughed. I immediately started blushing. "You heard?" I asked. "Yeah, you guys are really loud." She laughed.

I knew we weren't exactly quiet but damn. "I was hoping you were in the living room but there was no way." She kept going. "Can we not talk about my sex life, please? I haven't you seen you in weeks and this is the first thing you wanna talk about?" I raised my voice a little.

"Okay, okay! Well, I heard him talking to Sam a few weeks ago." She started. I furrowed my eyebrows. "You guys have a house that you've been going to secretly." She added.

"I thought we were going to keep that a secret for a while." I said, my face falling a little. "It's okay, I walked in on them on accident. I know I wasn't supposed to hear, but I know now." She shrugged. It wasn't exactly the worst thing for her to know. I just thought maybe we could keep it to ourselves for a while. Have it be our place and no one else's.

"Anyway, yeah. He said he thought it would be good for you guys. Have a place to you're own that no knows about. I agree. You guys have been through a lot, especially with mark and the burglary. Colby's gone through hell trying to find a place he knows will be secure. That's the main reason you guys are at the apartment your at now. He wanted to make sure you were safe for a whole when you finally woke up. If you woke up. None of us really knew if you were. I was honestly surprised Colby stayed for that long, I thought maybe he'd at least try to see knew people. He proved us all wrong." She rambled.

"He didn't date anyone when I was out?" I asked, not knowing anything about this. "No, he refused to. He said if you woke up while he was with another girl, it'd be a shitty situation. Considering everything you've been through, he didn't want that to happen. He told us it'd be years before he even merely thought about anyone else. You're the one for him, if you didn't already realise." She smirked. "Yeah, I'm beginning to believe that more and more everyday." I blushed, looking down as I thought about it.

"I brought liquor." I heard Griffin's voice say loudly as he walked through the door. "Good, we need it." Xepher said, grabbing the bottle. "I thought we were going out for drinks?" I said, as devyn and I met then in the kitchen. "We are, pre club celebration. You know the drill." Xepher smirked, grabbing shot glasses. "Are Sam and Colby meeting us there?" Griffin asked. "I know Sam is, what about Colby aria?" Kat said. "I don't know, he had some where to be earlier when I left. I don't know when he's gonna be back." I shrugged.

"Oh, okay. Well, jake and Tara are already there. Mike, Kevin and Aryia are on the way so we gotta dip soon." Griffin said, pouring everyone a shot. I took my glass and we did a cheers, and I took it down. The familiar taste of strong whiskey burning my throat.

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