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I was currently walking to my car, forgetting something from when I went shopping earlier. I opened the door and searched through, I stopped abruptly hearing a tiny high pitched noise. I listened carefully and it sounded like a kitten meowing. I furrowed my eyebrows and shut the door. I looked under the car, nothing. I looked over to the other one, and saw a tiny little kitten under it. Shit. "Hey little guy." I said talking to it. "I'm not gonna get you out any time soon." I bit on my lip, then got an idea. I stood up, hoping no one would come out and move the car. I quickly made my way back into the apartment, Colby was gone with Sam and Jake.

I looked through the fridge, trying to find anything remotely cat friendly. I found some left over chicken and broke tiny pieces off. Though I would doubt it's even old enough to eat it, it was something.

I walked back over and the car was still there, along with the kitten. It was still meowing. "Hey, come here. Look what I have." I said, placing a small piece just below the car. It smelled around, taking another step closer out of curiosity. He smelled it more then walked slowly to the piece, eating it carefully. It licked it's mouth and smelled around for more. I held out a piece in my hand and it walked closer. When it was close enough I reached out, lightly picking up the tiny kitten.

"There you go." I said, holding it in my arms. I walked back up to the apartment. I checked the gender and it was a female. "Now, what to tell Colby." I pursed my lips looking at the tiny kitten in my hands.

I placed her carefully on the rug, after moving the coffee table out of the way. She smelled around, then sat in my lap, curling in a little ball and closing her eyes.

I don't know how long I spent sitting on the ground in front of the couch, but Colby eventually came home. "Hey." He smiled. "Um, Colby. There's something you should know about." I said, looking at the kitten walking around on the rug. He followed my gaze and I heard a small gasp escape his lips. "Where'd you find it?" He asked, placing his keys and phone on the counter then walking over. "She was in the parking garage underneath a car." I said. "Awe, that's so sad." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I got her out with some chicken." I informed him. She walked over to him, sniffing his jeans then he held out his hands for her to sniff. She did, but didn't walk any closer. Only coming back to me. "I didn't wanna leave her there, but I also know absolutely nothing about taking care of a cat. Let alone a kitten." I said. "Well, let's start with the basics. Food, water. Maybe take her to the vet tomorrow." He suggested. "Yeah." I said. I picked her up and got up. "Let's go." I said, putting on my shoes.

We got inside his car and I held her in my lap. "You need a name." I said, holding her up in front of my face. She meowed and I pushed my bottom lip out and looked to Colby. "That was so cute." I giggled. He chuckled and started the car. I pondered names, as she was having a fit of meows. "Hey miss thing, you're okay." I said, petting her head. "What about Bailey?" I asked, holding her up again. "Bailey?" Colby asked. "You look more like a Monet." I said, thinking of more names. "What about Agatha?" Colby threw in with a slight chuckle. "No, we're not naming our cat Agatha." I rolled my eyes.

"Our? So we're keeping her?" He asked. "Well, my cat." I smiled looking at me. "Oh come on." He laughed. "She likes me more and you know it." I said. "She hasn't spent any time with me. Soon enough, I'll have her wrapped around my finger." He said confidently. "Oh yeah?" I challenged. "Yeah, just like I have you wrapped around my finger." He smirked. "Gertrude." He threw out after a while of silence.

"No!" I raised my voice. I looked at her for a moment longer. "Moon." I said. "You like that?" He asked. "You look like a moon." I said, ignoring him. "Moon it is." He said.

We got to the pet store and walked inside. We went to the food section and on the ride here I was looking up appropriate foods for kittens. I picked a soft food and also hard, then we picked out bowls. "She needs like a collar or something so we don't lose her." I said, walking around more. "They have those for cats?" Colby asked. "Yeah." I nodded and we walked into that isle. I picked up a tiny collar that was pink and fitted it to her. We got her some toys and a bed, then checked out.

We got back home and I set Moon's water and food up, giving her some food as I assume she was probably hungry. She ate it quickly then walked around the couch. We put her food and water in front of the wall that held the tv for now. She looked like she wanted to jump up, but she wasn't big enough so I picked her up. I placed her softly on the couch and she made her way over me and onto Colby, curling up against his neck and on his shoulder. "I told you she'd warm up." He smirked proudly. I rolled my eyes and turned on the TV, clicking on a random YouTube video to watch.

We both ended up falling asleep.

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