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I was currently at the dress store with my mom, Colby was gone with Sam, Jake and Corey. They were all in London filming for a new series they were doing for the Sam and Colby channel. I honestly couldn't be more proud of them, they've worked so hard and have already put a lot into this. Colby stayed up for hours every night collecting data and information about the places they were going. It was fascinating watching him, he seemed so invested in it.

My mom had me try on so many dresses that I was starting to get tired. "Can we go now? I'm getting tired." I whined. "No, we have to find the perfect one." She said. "It's fine if we don't find it today, we still have 6 more months." I laughed lightly. "But we still have so much to do. If we get this out of the way now, everything else will go smoothly." She explained.

Just when I thought I was going to give up, one of the girls working there brought out a certain dress. I put it on and walked out. My mom immediately gasped as she saw it. I looked at myself in the mirror, not being able to my eyes off.

I felt the air in my lungs completely disappear and I covered my mouth. "That's the one." She smiled. I looked at her through the mirror, tears filling my eyes. "Awe, sweety don't cry. You're suppose to be happy." She said, pulling me into a hug. "I know, I am. It's just, I never thought I'd be in this position. Marrying the man who literally saved my life." I cried onto her shoulder. "He saved you alright. I'll forever see him as a son, and he's the right one for you. I wish you would've met him instead of Mark." She said.

"I'm glad you and dad like him. I was scared that after he found out about Mark he wouldn't let me near a guy again." I laughed through the tears. "Trust me, when we first met colby in the hospital you're father was something else. Colby's tough though, somehow managed to answer every question so simply. He's had his eyes on you for a while, and you're all he's ever going to see." She said, cupping my face in her hands as she said the last part.

"That's why I'm crying. It seems to crazy to me." I giggled. We had another moment and I went back into the fitting room and changed into my normal clothes. I walked out and mom was already at the counter. I walked up, and pulled my card out of my purse. "Hey, it's on me. A bride should never pay for her dress." She smiled. "What? No, it's my dress." I argued. "You turned out just as I raised you." She smiled proudly.

I smiled back and put my card back. I was going to have Kat hang onto my dress. I knew for a fact she was going to be my maid of honor. I instantly knew Sam would be Colby's best man, there is no doubt about it.

"Okay, I'm gonna take off. Cam is going to be out of school in a little." She said.

We said our goodbyes then went our seperate ways. I got to Kats apartment and walked in with my dress.

"Kat, you here?" I yelled through the small apartment. I closed the door and was then met with a hyper kiwi. "Hi, Kiwi." I greeted. "Hey," Kat smiled, walking over. Her eyes landed on the bag and a gasp escaped her lips. "Is that you're dress?" She asked, coming over to me quickly. "Yeah, I need you to keep it here. You know, bad luck if the groom sees the brides dress." I laughed lightly. "Of course. I'll take good care of it." She said. "Do you have any pictures?" She asked as I set it in her closet. "No, can't risk colby seeing." I said, shaking my head.

"Guess I'll just have to wait until the wedding day." She said. "Speaking of," I started. "I wanted to ask you something." She nodded, indicating for me to go on. "You're my best friend, and I wanted to know if you would be my maid of honor?" I said, intertwining our hands. She gasped, but a wide smile played across you're lips. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah." I nodded, waiting to hear her answer.

"Of course, I'll be you're maid of honor." She squealed as she pulled me into a hug. I hugged back, happy and satisfied. "Ugh, this wedding is going to be the best." She shouted and I just laughed.

"Hey baby." Kat said, answering Sam's call. "Hey, is Aria with you?" He asked. I popped in the picture and did a peace sign. "Hey." I giggled. "Hello future Mrs. Brock." He smiled happily. I blushed at the name, the more I thought about the more I got used to it. Aria Brock, it does have a good ring to it.

"So, have you found you're dress yet?" He asked. "Yes, I have." I smiled. "Can I see?" I heard Jake yell from the background. "Wait, where's colby?" I asked. "In the bathroom." Sam answered. "Oh, okay. No, you cannot." I answered. "Awe, why not? It's not bad luck for us to see." Sam whined. "See what?" I heard Colby's voice ask in the background. "Exactly why I'm not showing you." I pointed out. "Oh come on, colby." Sam scolded. He yelled a what! "I was trying to convince Aria to show us her dress but you walked in." Sam whined. "She has her dress?" Colby asked. "She is also right here and can hear you." I spoke up.

"Hey, baby." He said, coming into the picture with a smile. "So about that dress." He hinted. "No! That's bad luck, you can't see until wedding day." I said, furrowing my eyebrows. "Awe, come on. Just a peek." He begged. "No, you're going to have to wait like everyone else." I giggled. "Damn you." He glared.

We talked to them for a little while longer, then I left because it was getting late.

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