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"Come on." Colby whined, as I was just walking out of the bathroom. "I have to get ready, Colby. It doesn't exactly take seconds." I said, fluffy my hair in the mirror standing by the couch in the living room.

"Well, you can move a little faster." He sassed. I sent him a playful glare and grabbed my phone and keys. "Where are we going anyway?" I asked. "Just Venice Beach. Sam and Kat are going too." He said as we walked down to the car.

We got there and met up with Sam and Kat. "Hey guys." Kat sent us a knowing look, but I had no idea what she was hinting at. "Hey." Colby sighed, stuffing his free hand in his pocket. We started walking and talked. "Have you guys talked about marriage yet?" Kat asked with a grin, looking at Colby. "Um yeah, a little. Why?" I asked, blushing slightly. "Just wondering. You guys seem like you're getting more and more serous." Kat shrugged, but once again looked at Colby. I looked to him too, seeing the remenance of what looked like a glare fade. It confused me but I shook it off.

"Do you guys want to get something to eat, I'm starving." Sam asked, as we were chilling by a railing that led to the beach. "Yeah, I'm kinda hungry too." Kat nodded. I looked over my shoulder at Colby. "Yeah, I could use something to eat, what about you?" He looked at me. "Yeah, let's go." I said, stepping forward and Colby let his arms fall from my waist, only for one to come up and wrap around my shoulder.

We walked back to the car and headed to a place to eat.

We got there and it ended up being tender greens. I heard my stomach growl at the thought of food. We all walked in and I had noticed a little bit of a bulge in Colby's pocket, I thought maybe his wallet was just full but it wasn't that big. I shook it off though, as we walked up the counter to order.

"I got youre order, you and Kat can go and find us a table." Colby said, looking at Kat. "Let's go." She smiled as she linked arms with me and started walking.

"So you've talked about marriage together?" She asked, as we looked around for tables. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Just curious. Do you think he's the one?" She kept going. "Yeah, he's definitely the one. He's stayed the longest, and has been the best." I smiled, feeling a blush creep over my cheeks.

"So, if he came over and went down on one knee, you'd say yes?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. "Where is this coming from, again?" I asked, suddenly entreaged on why she wanted to know all this. "Because we're girls, we're suppose to talk about this stuff. Now would you or would you not?" She asked eagerly. I looked back at Colby to see him talking to Sam. He looked around and our eyes met, butterflies erupting in my stomach from what I said next.

"Yes, yes I would." I said softly, smiling at him. I pondered with that thought. Him just saying fuck it, getting down on one knee in front of me and everyone else with a beautiful diamond ring, asking me to marry him. He smiled back at me, then turned back to Sam to say something. "Really?" She gasped. "Yeah." I blushed, looking back at her. "Damn, you guys are goals." Kat shook her head. "So are you and Sam." I laughed.

I felt someone slide in next to me, and I looked over to see a random girl. "Hey, I saw you guys from the line and couldn't believe how pretty you were. I just wanted to say hi." She smiled. "Oh, thanks." I smiled and looked to Katrina. She looked at me too and we shared a mental note of how awkward this was.

"I'm Leslie." She said. "I'm Katrina, that's Aria." Kat introduced. "Nice to meet you." Leslie smiled. "Hey guys." Sam said, walking over. "Hey." Kat smiled as he sat next to her. "Oh, okay." I heard Leslie say under her breathe.

I looked up at Colby and he looked at Leslie, then back at me. I gave him a sorry look, he shook his head, then pulled a random chair to the end of the table. "Was I in you're spot, I'm sorry. I can move." Leslie said. "Oh, no. Don't worry about." Colby said, shaking his head. He was always nice, never one to kick a lady out of her seat.

"Okay." She dragged on, then sat back.

"Hey, you're really hot." She said, resting her chin on her hands, as her elbows were now on top of the table. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked to her, only noticing her oggling my boyfriend. I felt my jealousy rise and spoke up. "He's also my boyfriend." I glared at her. "Oh, really? My bad." She laughed nervously. I scooted more towards the wall, away from her. I looked to Colby and he was trying to hold a smile back.

The food came, but by that time I had lost my appetite. "Aria, are you okay?" Sam asked. I looked up at him. "Yeah, I'm fine." I sighed. Leslie had been giving Colby looks and I've seen every single one of them, not liking any of them. I felt my anger rise everytime she would even glance in his direction.

I pushed my fork into my diced chicken harshly, glaring at Leslie as I bit it off. "You don't seem fine." Kat said, looking down at my plate then back up to my eyes. "I'm fine." I gritted, chewing.

I saw Colby take out his phone and started typing, soon after I got a text. I checked my own and saw it was from him.

Colby: you're jealous.

Me: why would I be jealous?

Colby: I saw the looks Leslie was giving me me. I assume you saw them too.

Me: I think the whole restaurant saw those looks.

Colby: do you want to leave?

Me: no, there's a random girl oggling my boyfriend, why would I wanna leave?

Colby: okay, damn. I'm sorry.

I shut my phone off and looked at Colby. He looked up too, and I gave him an apologetic look.

I looked to Leslie and I saw her fingers moving in the direction of Colby's leg, I gripped my fork. "Leslie, could you keep you're hands to yourself please?" I glared, speaking up. "Sorry." She said.

I glared harder at her and took another bite of my chicken. The whole thing was pissing me off and making my blood boil. If I didn't have as much self control as I did, she would be under me right now getting her face punched to a bloody pulp.

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