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We got to the reception and everyone walked in. We were the last in, and everyone stood up clapping.

We made our way around, starting with his parents. "Welcome to the Brock family, Aria." His mom said, hugging me. "Thank you." I said, hugging back. We pulled away and I hugged his dad. My parents came over. My mom was Overly emotional, but my dad wasn't any better. "Chase would be so happy right now." She said, tears in her eyes. "I think he'd be jealous." I laughed, trying to make light of the situation.

"Congratulations, son." Dad said, shaking Colby's hand. He called him son, he didn't even do that with Mark. "Thank you, sir." Colby nodded. "No, stop with that. You're officially a part of the family. It's Dave." Dad corrected. "Alright." Colby chuckled.

"I think it's time for the lucky couple to have their first dance." I heard Mike say in a speaker. Yes, of course we let him DJ. Our song played through the speakers that we had picked out to dance to. "Would you like a dance, Mrs. Brock?" He asked, holding out his hand. I giggled, taking it. "Why yes of course, Mr. Brock." I said, then he led me to the dance floor. One of my arms went around his neck, as the other was set up and my hand was in his. His other arm was wrapped tightly around my waist.

"I can't believe we're married." I said softly, so that only he could hear. "I've dreamt of this moment since the day I met you." He said. I blushed lightly, rested the side of my forehead against his as I closed my eyes.

This moment, everything about it felt right. I was where I was supposed to be, with who I was supposed to be with. All this time, I had no idea that this beautiful man was living right under my nose.

A/N - I'm sad to announce, that this is the final chapter. There will be an epilogue but that's it ❤

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