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My eyes fluttered open but I squeezed them shut, feeling a pounding headache come on. I groaned and raised my arm, pinching the bridge of my nose in pain.

I looked over and Colby was no where to be seen. I heard noises in the bathroom, so I got up. I opened the door and looked into the bathroom. My eyes landed on Colby sitting on the ground in front of the toilet. His arm was resting on the seat as he had his face buried in his elbow.

"Baby." I said, sitting down next to him. I rubbed his back and he shifted, only gagging and throwing up whatever was in his system. I pushed my head ache aside and focussed on him. "Do you need anything?" I asked, he coughed and spit into the toilet. He shook his head, too sick to talk. "I'm gonna get you some water, okay?" I told him, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

I grabbed a glass and filled it with water and I grabbed something to help his hangover. I walked back and he was sitting against the with his knees pulled up, his elbows resting on them as his hands were covering his eyes.

"Here, take this." I said, sitting down again and handing him the medicine and the glass. He looked up and took them both. He looked horrible, yet again no one looks their best hungover.

"You drank too much, huh?" I laughed lightly. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Come on." I sighed, helping him up and out of the bathroom. He sat down on the couch and I sat down next to him. He put his head in my lap and I grabbed a blanket, pulling it over him. I ran my hands through his hair as he pulled the blanket over his shoulders, covering his whole body. Although I knew he didn't feel good, I couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked.

"I should be taking care of you." He muttered. "I have to return the favor somehow." I said. "I take care of you." He mumbled. "You're not doing much of that right now, baby." I giggled.

I lay my head back, as he fell asleep again. I gave into the pounding my head and closed my eyes. I heard my phone go off and I opened my eyes once again. I grabbed it off the side of the couch and answered it. "Hello?" I asked, running my hands through his hair again. "Aria, hey." Marks voice rang through the speaker. "Mark." I said. I honestly forgot about last night. With taking care of Colby it kind of slipped my mind. "I was just calling to see if you remembered last night, I honestly thought you wouldn't pick up." He said.

"Yeah, um I do. It just slipped my mind for a second." I shook my head.

"I really am sorry for what happened." He said. "Don't, I just really want to forget about it." I said. "Okay." He said.

We made small talk for a little bit, talking about what was going on. He ended up having to hang up, and I put my phone back down.

Colby shifted so he was now facing me and his arm wrapped around my waist. I ran my hands through his hair as I lay my head back, feeling tired.

I didn't know how long I was out, but by the time I woke up Colby was gone.

I sat up and wiped my eyes. I pushed the blanket off of me and got up. I walked over to our bedroom, but the door was closed. I furrowed my eyebrows, then heard colby talking to someone.

"I'm scared, Sam. Really scared." He sounded stressed. "It's not like that, this is going to change our lives forever. If she says no, I don't think I'll know how to deal with it." He paused.

What is he talking about? Who is he talking about. "If she says yes, everything is going to change." He finished softly. "I don't know, Sam. Mark is back in her life, I don't wanna wait any longer." He whined. Oh, so this is about me?

"Okay, I'm gonna do it. But she can't know about anything, alright? You can tell Kat, but make sure she does not say anything to Aria. I wanna make this a complete surprise." He said, raising his voice from the soft, almost whispering tone he was using before.

I bit on my nail and stepped away from the door. I heard Colby saying goodbye to Sam and I reached for the door handle. I felt it turn on me and it opened, ribbing the knob out of my hand. "Oh, sorry. I was about to open it." I blushed lightly. "It's fine." He smiled lightly, but there was something in his eyes. It almost looked like worry or anxiety.

"Are you okay? I heard you talking on the phone." I said. More of it flashed through his eyes. "Uh, uh y-yeah. Sam was j-just asking about video ideas." He said, running his fingers. Through his hair. I wanted nothing more than to tell him I heard him talking, and wanting to ask him what it was. He said it was a surprise so I guess I'll just have to see.

"Okay, well. How are you feeling?" I asked, as we walked back to the living room. "Better, sleep is probably the best hangover cure." He said. He sounded like he felt better.

We cuddled on the couch for a while, then ended up falling asleep once again.

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