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We walked back inside, Mark walking behind Colby, who was behind me.

I walked up the steps and got up there to everyone. Mark came into everyone view, and Sam immediately jumped up. "What's he doing here?" Sam glared. They were all against him. Even the ones who didn't know him then hated his guts.

Mike and Kevin stood up along with Jake. "Woah, guys he's cool." I said. They all looked to me confused, then they looked to Colby. "No one say anything." He rolled his eyes as he walked over to a spot. I followed him and he pulled me into his lap. He downed a few shots and I felt the tension slowly go away. It was still there but I could tell the more Colby drank the more he let lose. I could tell neither of us were driving home tonight.

"So, Mark." Mike said, placing his hands on Marks shoulders. Mike was clearly taller than him, and Mark looked intimidated by him. "Warning, if you try anything with that girl over there. Just know, I know people. Colby knows people, Aryia for sure knows people. We will make you're life a living hell-" I interrupted him. "Mike, stop." I said. "What?" He asked, acting innocent. "Leave him alone." Colby glared. "If anything happens he's mine." Colby sent Mark another glare.

"Whatever, brother." Mike said, stepping back as he walked away.

We spent another hour or two up there, then Colby got up. "Hey, where you going?" I asked, getting up with him. "Let's dance." He smiled, grabbing my hand.

I laughed as we walked to the dance floor.

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