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Today was the rehearsal dinner. I was excited and nervous. Excited because I would get to see everything that we had been planning for months, nervous because I was going to actually be marrying Colby tomorrow.

"You ready?" He asked, parking the car. "Yeah." I smiled happily. I got out and we walked in. We met with the lady that would be helping us. Everyone that was going to be in it was already here, plus a few others. My mom, dad, and cameron, and Colby's mom and dad.

"Hey guys." Kat greeted. She pulled me into a tight long hug. "I'm so happy for you. You both deserve this." She said softly. I felt tears pricking my eyes. "Okay, let's save the tears for tomorrow please?" I laughed, pulling away. I wiped my eyes and she hugged Colby, whispering a few words to him. Sam walked up and smiled at me. "Hey." He smiled, hugging me too. Our hug lasted longer, for more reasons than one.

"Colby's my best friend, and I couldn't see him with anyone else but you. You've made him happy and opened him up to things. I can't thank you enough for being a part of his life, even when you weren't actually in it. It definitely helped you being there." He said, pulling away but he wasn't done.

"You've changed him in many ways, I've seen it over the years. No one has changed him more than you. You were good to him, when others weren't. The other girls wanted him for clout or fame, but you. You were different. I knew that as soon as I met you. You would change everyone for the better and you have. Especially, my boy Colby. He's my brother, and I'm happy to finally be able to call you my sister." He said, smiling while he talked. I felt more tears pool in my eyes. "Sam, you've always been a brother to me." I said, pulling him into another tight hug. We pulled away and we began the rehearsal.

It went quickly, but I knew tomorrow was going to be long and the ceremony wasn't going to be as quick. We all sat down at Sam's place. Every single one of our friends here to celebrate.

"I would like to propose a toast." Kevin said, raising his voice grabbing everyone's attention. "Aria, I met you only a short time ago, but it feels like forever ago. You're like a little sister, and you make Colby very happy. So, to the newly weds, as of tomorrow." He said, and the room erupted in laughter. I cheers my glass with Colby's and we drank.

Colby wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "You nervous?" He asked. "A little, yeah. But it's a good kind of nervous." I said, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. He smiled and pressed our foreheads together, then leaned down to kiss my lips.

A/N - Sorry for such a short chapter, I'm saving all the big things for the next one. I'm gonna insert the pictures of the venue here, and everything else will be revealed in the next chapter.

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