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My eyes fluttered open, I was pressed up against a chest and an arm was wrapped around my waist. I looked down at my hand, making sure last night was real. It indeed was. The beautiful diamond ring sat perfectly on my hand, like it was meant to be there. I smiled uncontrollably as I bit my lip.

I heard a groan in my ear, as Colby shifted, pulling me closer. He kissed the area under my ear. "Good morning, fiancé." I smiled as I turned around. "Good morning, fiancé." He smiled. I wrapped my arm around his neck, placing a kiss to his lips. "I'm still waiting to wake up from a dream." I laughed. "I know, I am too." He chuckled. "How long did you plan this for?" I asked. "For about two months. It took me forever to get the balls to even buy the ring." He said. I laughed.

"You shouldn't have been nervous, you know I would've said yes." I said. "Yeah, it's just the thought in the back of my mind. You could turn around in an instant and say you didn't want to. I'm honestly waiting for you to call it off." He said honestly. I gasped. "I would never." I said, moving to straddle him.

He kissed me softly, then deepened it more pulling me down. I exhaled through my nose and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on mine. It felt good to know it was going to be like this forever.

"God, this doesn't seem real. If you told me a good three years ago that I would be getting married, I would've claimed you insane." I sat up again, admiring the man that I would call my husband. "Yeah, it's crazy. Who knew I'd be marrying the love of my life." He smiled, running his hands up and down my waist.

"This is literally a dream." I said. "Yeah, it's very real though." He said softly.

We ended up staying in bed the whole day, I don't think I need to give any details.

"We should go out," I started, messy with his hair that was very messy and tangled. He was sitting next to me, our legs tangled together. The sheets were on the ground now and we were completely exposed. "Yeah?" He asked, hinting for me to go on. "And we should celebrate." Iifted my eyebrow. "I thought we were celebrating. Hot, messy, all day sex sounds like a pretty good celebration to me." He growled, going after my neck again.

"But we can't stay here forever." I pointed out, being pulled into his lap. "But I like it here." He whined in my chest. "Colby," I started. "Fine." He groaned, pushing his head away. His eyebrows furrowed and he was pouting. "You're so cute, baby." I said, squishing his cheeks with my hand. "Stop." He smiled, but shook his head.

I got up, but fell back on the bed. "Still wanna go out?" He smirked. "Yes." I said, getting back up and getting good grip, then started walking to our closet. I looked through my clothes, searching for an acceptable outfit. I felt hands go down my waist and some poke my back. "We're not doing it again, I have to take a shower and get ready." I said, shaking my head and turning around to face him. "Oh, okay." He said, suddenly placing his hands underneath my thighs and picking me up. I yelped, wrapping my arms around his neck as he carried me to the bathroom.

We got done quickly, then dried off. I stood in front of the mirror as I dried my hair. Music was blasting through the speakers and I could see Colby dancing around in our room as he was making the bed. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was.

I got done with my hair, then did my makeup. I walked into our closet and picked out an outfit. I then walked back into our room. I felt something tug at my towel, pulling it off, then hands on my waist. "Don't get dressed, you look good the way you are." Colby seductively said in my ear. "Tempting." I said, grabbimg for my underwear. "Ah huh." Colby said, grabbing it out of my hand and holding it above my head. "Colby!" I whined. He just laughed as I struggled getting them back. I could tell he was enjoying the sight by the smirk plastered over his face.

I stopped trying to get them, crossed my arms over my chest and pouted. "Baby." I whined, turning my chin up. "You're adorable, you know that?" He said softly. "You're a dick." I raised my eyebrow. "You love my dick." He smirked and I felt my cheeks heat up as I tried to hold back a smile. "Please?" I asked, holding my hand out. "As long as I get to put them on." He said, an expectant look on his face.

I looked at him like he was crazy, but rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed. He crouched down and raised my legs, slipping my underwear on. I stood up and he slapped my ass when they were on completely. "You're weird." I rolled my eyes. He smirked and left the room. I put my outfit on and walked out. Colby was in the kitchen making toast. I walked around the corner, then saw him standing there butt naked. "Colby, put some clothes on. You're not a caveman." I gasped, going into our closet grabbing a pair of underwear and sweats for him.

I walked back in and threw them at him. He just chuckled as he slipped them on. "I swear, sometimes I feel more like you're mom than you're girlfriend." I said. "Fiancé" He corrected. "Right." I smiled lightly.

I was looking through the fridge for something to drink and felt arms go around my waist. I found milk and opened it, smelling it. A sour stench filled my nose and I pulled it away covering it. "God, do you not go grocery shopping?" I asked, closing it again and throwing it in the trash. "You live here too, and plus I don't even know what we need." Colby stated.

I sighed and turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You happy?" He asked softly. "Very." I smiled and leaned up, placing a kiss to his lips.

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