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It was the next day, I took Moon to the vet. I was alone because Colby had something take care of work wise with Sam.

The vet checked her, said she needed a few shots and that she was healthy. They did that and I went back home.

Kat was coming over with Devyn so we could start planning my hair and makeup. "Okay, what are you thinking?" Devyn asked, ploppijg next to me on the couch with her laptop in hand. "Well, I was looking at few and I found some I liked." I said, pulling up the looks I saved. "Ou, I like the pink." She said, scooting closer along with Kat. "Yeah, the nude isn't working for me." Kat agreed. "Im so glad I have you guys, that look was my favorite." I smiled. "Okay, hair." Kat said. I showed her the looks, some were done up, some half up and some all down. "I like that one." Kat said, pointing go once again my favorite. "Yeah." Devyn nodded.

We put every piece of the look side by side and looked at it. "That's gonna look so good with you're dress." Devyn said as the door opened. I looked and saw Colby, Sam and Jake walking in. "Hey guys." Sam greeted. I closed my laptop quickly. "What are you guys doing?" Jake chuckled lightly at my actions. "Nothing, just wedding planning." Devyn responded. "Oh, can I see?" Colby said. "No!" We all said in unison. "Oh-kay." He said, narrowing his eyes. "It's just for her look." Kat said.

"Yeah." Devyn nodded. "Can we see?" Jake asked, pointing to Sam. "No, if I can't see you guys can't see." Colby glared.

"Have you guys found a venue?" Sam asked. "Yeah, we've been swapping ideas. I think we're on the final decision though." I said, and Colby nodded. I opened my laptop again, careful not to show what was on the screen and went to the place. They all gathered around, but Colby stood by the stairs watching. "Oh, that's nice." Sam said. "Yeah, their awesome. They do everything, from the ceremony, catering, things like that. We don't have to worry about anything." I said, smiling happily and looking at the screen.

I met eyes with Colby and he smiled happily at me.

Colby's POV

Aria seemed so excited, I could tell that she had been thinking about this moment forever. She deserves everything. Seeing and hearing her talk about all the details, she seemed so invested in it. I was too, but I wasn't as invested as her. She had stayed up many nights doing research on places, looking at themes and designs. She's put everything into it.

"This is literally the perfect wedding." Kat said, smiling as well. "Yeah, this place is awesome." Devyn added.

"I'm excited to see Colby in his tux." Jake laughed. "I don't know, I wanna see Aria's dress more." Devyn said. "Well, you guys are gonna have to wait." Aria laughed. At this moment, the only people who knew what her dress looked like was her mom and Kat. Since it's at Kat's place because she didn't want me seeing it.

"You guys got you're vows yet?" Sam asked, sitting next to Kat. "I have mine." I smiled proudly. "Damn, I knew I was forgetting something." Aria shook her head, but I could hear a hint of sarcasm in her voice. I gasped dramatically. "You wouldn't forget about that." I said. "I didn't, I have them." She laughed. That laugh got me every time, especially when I was the cause of it.

"Okay, well I'm gonna head out. I promised xepher I would do a video with her." Devyn said, getting up and hugging Aria. She left and we hung out here. Everyone got to meet Moon, and they seemed to fall instantly in love with her.

We ordered pizza and ate, everyone eventually leaving. I sighed in content, flopping on the couch. Aria was in the kitchen cleaning up. I saw her laptop sitting on the end of the couch and I looked at her. She was looking down while cleaning the counter. I reached over to it, opening it slightly. I wasn't actually going to look, I just wanted to mess with her. She looked up at me, then her eyes went wide. "Hey!" She said, throwing a wooden spoon at me. "Hey! No need for violence." I said, throwing it back, thankfully missing her completely. "Don't look." She scolded. "I wasn't, I'm just messing with you." I laughed.

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. She got done in there and turned off the light, the only light now was the one from the tv. She walked over and sat next to me, cuddling into my side. I wrapped my arm around her and held her closer. Breathing in, the familiar scent filling my nose. I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace.

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