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I finished my meal, but Leslie looked like she didn't even touch hers. Although she picked off of it softly, taking small amounts at a time careful not to do anything to ruin her outfit or make herself look like a pig. I knew what she was doing though.

I ran my fingers through my hair, wanting nothing more than everyone to wrap up and for us to leave.

"So, what do you guys do?" Leslie asked. Great, small talk. She's both a boyfriend stealer and sucks at conversation. "Uh, Aria and I both do music. The boys do YouTube." Kat answered. "Oh really? What kind of videos do you make?" I'm 100% sure that was more to Colby than to both him and Sam. "Well, we dis exploring videos for a while. Got too dangerous and we had to stop. We are working on small series' now. More into the paranormal stuff." Sam answered.

"Oh my god! So you guys go around, and play with ghosts. That has to be scary, you guys are quite the tough men." Leslie smirked, looking Colby. Well, looking him up and down. I suddenly felt the need to find a hoodie and put it on him because she was oggling his exposed arms and more of him. He was wearing the no Name cut tank top so she had full access to seeing more of him than I would have liked.

She bit her lip lightly, moving forward, making her boobs pop out of her top. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I grabbed my cup and took a sip from it. "Colby, whats you're biggest turn on?" I heard Leslie ask him quietly. I immediately spit my drink, covering my mouth. "Hey, Aria careful." Kat said, as I choked down the rest of my drink. "Okay, that's it." I said, scooting to her and pushing her out of the booth. "Time for you to go." I smiled as sweetly as I could, pushing her to the door.

"But I was just getting to know you guys." She whined. "Your wanting to know too much. Bye." I said, waving at her.

I walked back to the table and Colby looked at me with a slightly confused face. They all looked confused, and slightly offended. "Why'd you do that? She seemed nice." Sam asked. "Hm, guess you never had to deal with someone oggling you're boyfriend constantly." I sarcastically smiled and placed my napkin to the side.

I flipped my hair off my shoulder and sat back once again. They looked to Colby, who looked shocked and surprised by the whole thing. "I-" He seemed to not be able to form a sentence. "That was what that was about? She was hitting on Colby." Sam said, adding it all up. "Oh like none of you noticed." I said. "We honestly didn't, but now we know." Sam laughed lightly.

I sighed and looked down. Colby slid in next to me and placed his hand on my thigh. Kat and Sam went into their own world as they started another conversation.

"You okay?" Colby asked softly. "Would you be okay if a random guy was hitting on me?" I asked. "No, I wouldn't. Aria, you know I would never go for her right? You're the only one I want." He said, looking into my eyes. I sighed, and rested my head on his shoulder. He lay his head on mine as I intertwined our fingers.

"Is it bad that I hate the thought of any girl looking at you like that?" I asked, looking up at him. He smiled lightly, then leaned down to my ear. "You're absolutely fucking adorable when you're jealous." He whispered. I felt my cheeks heat up and I bit my lip, holding back my growing smile.

We continued to talk for a while, then decided to leave. We got back to the apartment and everyone was already at Sam's place. We were going to have a little get together, just our little friend group.

"Where's the alcohol?" I asked, walking into the kitchen. After the events of today I really needed an escape. "Aria, it's only 9 o'clock. You sure you wanna start drinking?" Kevin asked, holding a bottle of tequila. I just took it, glaring at him and taking a sip of it. "Yes. I do." I smiled, walking away and taking the bottle with me. "Woah, drinking already?" Colby laughed as I walked over to him. "After today, I'm gonna want that hangover." I said, taking another drink. "You say that now, how about when you actually have it?" He asked. "It'll feel better than what I felt today." I shrugged.

"Did it really hurt you?" He asked, placing his hands on my waist and leaning against the counter. "Of course it did, Colby. I've been in a lot of relationships, and every single one of them has ended like the last. I'm not planning on this one ending like that either, or so soon." I said. "Really?" He asked with a slight smile. "Yes, Colby. You mean the world to me, and I'm not having you being taken away from me." I said, wrapping my arm around his neck. "I'm gonna marry you one day, it can't end like this." I then placed my lips on his. It took him a moment to register it, but once he did he went all in.

It seemed like he put the most passion in this kiss. Pulling his arms around my waist tighter, holding me close to him. I raised my arm with the bottle in hand around his neck as well, as he deepened the kiss even more. As if it were possible. I swear, I felt sparks.

His tongue glided against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I opened for him in an instant and his tongue invaded my mouth. It circled around my own, before he punched it against the tip of mine. Our tongues moved against each other, us sharing one of the messiest kisses we've ever had.

He pulled away and I giggled when his lips met my neck, peppering soft kiss on it. We've never been this intimate around everyone, this has only happened in private. I was okay with it though, even questioning why we didn't do this around them before.

"Hey, can you guys not have sex in my kitchen please?" Sam asked, drawing or attention away from the heated moment. Colby pulled away, a smirk plastered over his face as he grabbed my hand. "Okay, see you guys in a little bit." He said, dragging me out the door.

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