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"Okay, I'm gonna go." I said, grabbing my keys and phone. I was going to film a video with Elton, Corey, Andrea and Jay. "Be careful, please?" Colby asked, hugging me tightly. "You know elton wouldn't let anything happen to me." I smiled pulling away. "You know that's not what I'm worried about." He said, looking into my eyes. "I'll be fine, okay? I'll be home soon." I said, kissing him then leaving.

Andre picked me up and drove to where we were going. It was dark and I was scared. Elton said it was a little ghost town that we were going to.

We got there and I grabbed a flashlight. I stood between Elton and Corey as Elton did the intro. I can't remember the last time I've done a video like this with him.

Jay mentioned something about the hills have eyes movie and I was even more scared because of it.

"Okay, first things first we don't have permission to be here. We have to break in." Elton said walking away. "Oh my god," I put my head in my hands.

"You guys are gonna protect me, right?" I asked. "I got you." Jay said, wrapping his arm around my neck. "Colby's gonna kill you." I laughed. "That's why I'm taking my arm off." He said, stepping away.

We all had walkey talkies and started making our way in. "The reason why we have them is because this place is about 50 acres. And were gonna get lost." Elton said. "I'm telling you right now, I'm not going anywhere alone. You're not sticking me in a room alone like you did the last time." I stated sternly.

"That was one minute." He said. "One minute too long." I said. "Elton if I get shot, and I live. I'm shooting you." I said, reading the sign that said trespassers will be shot. "An eye for an eye? I'll make that deal." He said, shaking my hand. "If you get shot, I will let you shoot me." He said. "You're not getting shot tonight." He rolled his eyes.

"If we end up with guns pointed at our heads, you're so fucking dead." I shook my head in all seriousness. "You'll be fine." He said.

For some reason, I had this gut feeling that tonight isn't going to go smoothly.

We all climbed the fence and we immediately started walking. I was so scared and my adrenaline was pumping.

We came up to a house and the lights were on. "Elton, this could be super dangerous. I don't think we should be here." I said. "Of course you don't, there was a sign on the gate that said trespassers will he shot." Elton said. "I wanna knock on it, just to see if anyone is in there."

"Elton, don't." I begged. "Lets walk around." He said as he started going around the house. There was an open door and all the lights lit up the space. "No." I said, grabbing onto Corey's arm. Andrea walked to the door, and I squeezed tighter. "Guys," I whined quietly. They walked in and I decided to stay out side the door. I shined my flashlight around, and I started hearing things. I looked behind me but nothing was there that I could see.

We found the mine and walked over the structure, but there was nothing there so we kept moving.

We stopped at a certain point. "Ok, I think the exploration begins here." Elton said. "Alright, Sam and Colby." I laughed lightly. I shined my flashlight over and my eyes landed on an abandoned looking house. "Holy shit." I said, feeling my heart rate rise.

We walked more and there were so many more houses.

We walked into one of the houses, the wood on the porch was broken and rotting. "Elton, why is there a cage in here?" I asked scared of what kind of answer he would give me.

I looked at the walls and it looked like there was straight dried blood on them. Who knows what has gone down here. I walked outside on the back porch and looked at the ground. I nearly had a heart attack. I gasped aloud and covered my gaping mouth. "What is that?" I asked. I looked closer and it was a birds foot.

I walked around more to see more. I was looking at something next to Corey, when suddenly there was a dark figure jumping at me. I screamed and stepped back, only figuring out it was Elton. "Oh my god, I can't breathe." I said, bending down. "I think you just scared her half to death." Corey laughed. "My chest hurts." I winced.

"I need 30 minutes please." I said, standing up. "Give me an hour and I'm going to fuck you're life up." Andrea threatened. We stayed there a for a little longer, before moving on.

We kept going from place to place, nothing really happened. I couldn't help but be freaked out to the max though.

We were in a random House when Elton started telling us to turn our lights off. My heart started beating faster, as it did every time. "Lights off, look out the window." He said. I did and sure enough, there was someone walking not even 200 hundred feet from us. "What the fuck do we do?" I asked "I don't know, I don't know." Elton repeated. "Hey, get out." The random person shouted. "Yep." Jay responded. "You're all really stupid, or really lost." The guy shouted again. I started trembling in fear of what could happen.

He kept saying how we needed to get out. Elton and jay spoke up, telling him we were leaving. He told us to put our hands up so we did. We walked out one by one, I walked behind Elton and in front of Corey.

Elton explained what we were doing and the guy seemed angry. I guess both Corey and Jay picked up on his vibe and instantly covered both Andrea and I, while Evan stood behind us.

I was trembling and lowered my hands a bit. "Keep you're hands were I can see them." The guy yelled. I jumped at his menacing tone and looked down, raising my hands again. "Hey, we don't want trouble man." Jay said right after.

Elton went on to explain what we were doing and the guy surprised me by saying we could keep exploring. I exhaled a breathe of relief. We discussed what we were going to do, and Elton mentioned that he had a shot gun. I was silent the entire time, afraid to even keep going.

We decided to talk to the guy and we had a conversation. He was a nice guy but I was still on edge and scared.

We found a bathtub with a mannequin in it. I gasped when I heard a scream. "Do y'all hear that?" Corey asked. "No, hear what?" Elton asked. "There was a scream." He said.

We shook it off and kept going, eventually finding the mines.

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