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I was sitting with devyn, Kat, Sam and a few of our other friends, talking away and enjoying my drink. "Hey, Colby made it." Kevin yelled. "Hey guys, sorry. I got caught up." He said, walking over. I sent him a sweet smile as his eyes landed on me.

He sent one back and walked over. "Hi." I said as he sat down next to me. "Hi." He replied, wrapping his arm around my should and placing a sweet kiss to my lips. I felt him smile against my lips and we pulled away. "Drink?" I asked, handing the drink I ordered for him. "Yes, thank you." He said, taking it and sipping from it.

I rested my hand on his thigh as we joined in the conversation.

I got finished with my drink and got up. "Refills, anyone?" I asked. "No, we're good." They shook their head and I headed down to the bar.

I sighed as I got up to it. "Hey, girl." My friend Ashley said, wiping down the counter. I smiled and leaned on the counter holding my empty glass. I tapped the rim and raised my eyebrow. "You're gonna go into a coma one of these days." She joked because this was my fifth refill tonight, but took the glass anyway. "Been there, done that. Didn't agree with me." I laughed. "How's the hubby, I saw him walk. You got a fine piece of man." She shook her head. "He's good. I'm lucky." I said. "Guys like that should be locked up, it should not be legal." She said, handing me the filled glass. "Been there, done that too. Never again." I said, taking a drink as I walked away.

I wasn't completely waisted, but I was slightly over tipsy. I made my way through the crowd, when a drunk guy bumped into me. I gasped as my drink spilled on my hand. "Oh, my bad." He said, his voice sounded familiar so I looked up at him. My heart stopping. "Mark.." I muttered under my breathe.

"Aria?" He asked, looking down at me. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I could ask you the same thing, when did you get out?" I asked, looking him up and down taking in his appearance. He looked different, but the same.

He had grown out his facial hair, and he had a few more new tattoos. "I'm out with friends." He said. "Uh, I have to go." I said, attempting to turn around and go back up. He grabbed my arm, but it was light. "Can I talk to you outside, please? I have to explain." He said in a begging tone. I looked up, and saw Colby staring at us. I sighed and looked at mark. "I'm gonna regret this." I muttered, putting my drink down and walking out. Mark following.

We got outside the doors and I stopped. "Look, aria. I really am sorry. There is no excuse for what I did to you, my was fucked up." He started. "You're telling me." I rolled my eyes. "I wanna start over. As friends. Maybe we could hangout, have coffee or something?" He asked. "Just because I'm talking with you, doesn't mean I forgive you Mark. You broke my heart. I trusted you more than I trusted anyone." My voice breaking as I felt my eyes burning with tears.

"I'm a dick, I know. But, I just want you to know I hope you're happy now. I was a dick throughout the entire relationship, and I realize that. I never should have done anything like that to you. I saw you with Colby online, and I realised that's what you being happy should look like. Not what you looked like when we were together. He's done right by you, more right than I ever have. I don't care if you're with him, I just hope that you he's the one you walk down the isle with. The one who fathers you're children. I never deserved that, but he does." By now, I was full on crying.

"Can we start over?" He asked after he paused. I looked up at him. "Mark, I-" Before I could get the sentence out the door burst open and a fuming Colby came from behind it.

"What the hell?" He asked, looking from me to Mark. "Get away from her!" Colby yelled angrily as he pushed me behind him. "Colby, he didn't touch me. We were just talking." I said raising my voice, knowing it was the only way I would get to him. He was sending Mark daggers, while Mark stood there. He honestly looked kind of scared. "No way was he 'just talking' with you." Colby growled.

"Dude, I swear. I didn't touch her, bro." Mark said, putting his hands up and backing against the wall. "Don't you bro me, you're nothing short of a monster." Colby seethed. "Colby, he's not gonna hurt me!" I yelled. Colby then shot his daggers to me. "Really? Are you defending him?" He turned to me, anger swimming through his eyes. The air got stuck in my throat and I couldn't speak.

"I wanna makeup with her. I don't want to be enemies, I can't stand it." Mark spoke up. "You've gotta be bullshitting me." He growled, rolling his eyes and walking away from us. "Hear him out, Colby." I said. He looked to me, then crossed his arms and looking to Mark.

"I'm gonna tell you everything I told her." Mark started. He began explaining everything, Colby stood there in the same stance. His face showing he didn't believe a word Mark was saying.

"You're kidding me, right?" Colby asked. "You expect me to believe all that?" He stepped closer. "You broke her heart, man! Tore her into pieces, she trusted you." Colby yelled, getting Marks face. I saw a security guard walk closer, but kept his distance. Far enough not to be noticed, but close enough in case anything happened.

"You're a piece of shit, dude." Colby said, shoving Marks chest, making him stumble back. I've never seen Mark so compliant with someone, and Colby so angry he actually wanted to start a fight. It's almost like they switched personalities.

"I know, and I know what ever I say doesn't change what I did. I did my time, man. I didn't like it in there. I didn't wanna be in there, so I got out on good behavior. I stayed away, if I really wanted to I would've found where you guys lived and taken her for myself." Mark said.

Colby stepped back, catching his breathe. I stayed silent, watching the whole thing unfold. "You really, just wanna be friends with Aria?" Colby asked, seeming to calm down.

"If that's all I'll ever be to her, I'll take it. You know more than anyone, she's special. Anyone would be lucky enough to even know her." Mark said calmly.

Colby looked to me, I saw something switch in his eyes, then he looked back at Mark. "If you try anything, and I mean even lay one finger on her, it's over for you. I'll make sure of it." Colby said, stepping closer. I let out a breathe I didn't even know I was holding and relaxed. I actually had to take a moment to take everything in.

Was this actually happening? Was I really going to start over with the one person who broke me down?

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