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We walked inside and there were power lines leading outside. "Im just saying, if someone wanted to live here, they could." Elton said. Andrea and I wanted to leave but they didn't so we kept going.

We got to the end. "Someone might live here." Elton stated. "There's a light on, and a bed." I whimpered out of fear and we ended up leaving.

We found another mine and walked into that one. "I'm pretty sure they saw us in here." Elton said softly. "What?" I said, along with the others. I completely missed the first part but the second part didn't sound good. "You know above the mines, I'm pretty sure someone's up there." He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "If there's someone up there, I don't want 200 feet between me and the exit." Jay said.

"Aria, Aria get back." Corey said, I immediately jumped behind him, expecting to see someone coming from either entrance to the two in front of us. "Elton give me you're camera." Corey asked. Elton gave him the camera and he pointed it up. I looked and saw a bat. I gasped. "Really Corey? You gave me a fucking heart attack for a bat?" I asked.

We walked out of the tunnel and explored more outside. I was a little weary as Elton told us he saw someone on a mountain close by. Andrea said she saw a guy and I immediately stopped. I really didn't want to run into anyone again, the first time was traumatizing enough.

We stopped and Elton suggested we split into groups. He told jay, Evan and Andrea to go together, and Corey, him and I go together.

I honestly felt safest with Elton and Corey since I've known them the longest and I'm the closest with them.

We split. Corey's flashlight died. "How scared out of you're mind would you be if someone's face just popped up from behind there." Elton laughed, shining his flashlight at a gap between stuff. "I'd scream." I said.

We looked around more, and there was stuff moving around. "Okay, Elton Elton." Corey repeated. "Corey, grab one." Elton said, referring to the wrenches on the wall. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yes, and Aria stay close. We don't want you picked off first." Elton said. That made my anxiety shoot through the roof. Corey grabbed one and I pulled the hood of one of Colby's hoodies over my head. At least I had something to calm me down. His scent lingered on it and I inhaled it. Elton told Corey to radio Andrea to see if they were messing with us, they didn't respond and it wasn't working.

"My lights going out, my lights going out." Elton said and sure enough, his flashlight was flickering. "No, no, no." I begged. Jay radioed us and said we needed to go down where they were.

He told us where to go and we started walking their way.

"What? What?" Elton asked as we got down there. There were pictures on the ground. "Well, not to make you guys feel any worse but look at what Corey and I are holding." Elton said, taking the wrench in his hands. "We need to leave." Jay said, and I couldn't agree more. "No, let's get out." He said. I nodded my head, wanting nothing more than to leave. Jay started repeating profanities, and turned around. "We need to go." He said, walking towards Corey and I.

We were walking out and Corey told us to stop and be quiet. "I need to get out of here." I whispered, running my fingers through my hair and pulling the hoodie tighter around my body, not feeling the same comfort I was before.

There was banging as we kept walking. "We need to get out of here." Elton said and I felt Corey put his hands on my back to usher me forward.

There was a constant banging when we got to the exit. "Elton." Corey said, raising his voice. "It's a dead end." Elton said. I felt my anxiety rise. This is probably the scariest thing anyone in our friend group has put me through.

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