Connors POV

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Oh my gosh I had no idea she had been through so much. She's been abused for gods sake! "Delilah we will never EVER let anything like that happen to you!" I reassured her. She smiled. She looked over at Sam who had his head in his hands. I was expecting her to ask him if he was okay but she just looked back at me. "Sometimes I...well never mind." She said. I gave her a concerned look. "Sometimes you what sweetheart?" I asked. "Sometimes I just wonder how much longer I'll be able to take the pain. I've tried suicide twice but whatever I do is never enough to completely kill me." She admitted, tears rolling down her cheeks. I stared at her with wide eyes. "Hey guys can I have a minute alone with my daughter?" I asked. I saw a slight smile on Delilah's face when I said daughter. "Awe.." The guys all cooed then made stupid kissing faces. I rolled my eyes and gave Trevor a slight shove. He laughed and they all left. Sam was the only one who hadn't had a reaction like the other guys. Usually he'd be laughing his ass off right now. "Hey Sam maybe you should stay to." I said. I saw Delilah give me a dirty look out of the corner of my eye when I said that. "Okay." He agreed. "Delilah I saw that." I said an raised my eyebrow at her. Her face turned beet red. "Oh oops sorry." She apologized. I rolled my eyes but then chuckled. "So Delilah is that really the way you feel?" I asked. She looked down. "Delilah you can tell me. I wanna help you." I told her. "No Connor please...please don't help me." She whispered. "Delilah why wouldn't I help you?" I asked. "Because I just....I don't want help." She shook her head. "Why don't you....want help?" I asked her. "Because Connor. I'm okay. I can get through this on my own. That's why." She told me. I didn't know what to say anymore. My poor daughter that I've only had for a day is already broken. "Sam what's going on with you?" I finally asked because he hadn't said a word. "Oh nothing." He quickly dismissed the question. "Sam tell us the truth." I demanded. "Nothing it's I wish I would've asked. I wish I would've asked you, Delilah when we were talking earlier. I wish I would've asked if you were really okay. I just assumed it. And now your covered in even more cuts then before. I could have stopped you if I wouldnt have freaking left. This is all my fault." he said with tears filling up in his eyes. "Maybe i should let you two talk this out. Delilah we can talk later okay?" I asked. She gave me another dirty look. I know shes mad at him and she doesnt wanna talk to him but they have to get this worked out. Great now Im sounding like a dad.......well i guess i am a dad. "Delilah you cant be mad at him forever. You know that right?" I asked. "No connor its fine" Sam assured. "No she needs to forgive you Sam. Yes what you did was wrong but you were just protecting her and she needs to realize that. Right Delilah?" I raised my eyebrow at her once again. She scoffed causing Sam to chuckle. She gave him a death glare and he shut his mouth. "Well I ain't gonna talk to him." She said. "Delilah that's enough or else you'll be in trouble." I warned. "But that's so unfair!" She yelped. "Well it's unfair the way you are treating Sam." I retorted. She rolled her eyes at me. "Delilah...." I warned. "Fine. I'll talk to him. But I'm not forgiving him." She told me. I gave her a look but decided to just leave it at that and I left the room. I can understand why she's upset with Sam though. I mean she's been abused so I can just imagine being yelled at and thinking there is a possibility you might get hit. I sighed. I just want to help her. I just want to make her happy. I just want her scars to...go away.

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