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Our room was on the highest floor. After I got off the elevator, I noticed that there's no one walking around even if  it was almost time for first period.

All of the rooms that I passed seems to be empty.



I opened the door and saw this girl sleeping at her desk. She got up, she had a really pale skin.

DH : "Annyeong! Are you Chou Tzuyu?"

TY : "Hmm yes. I'm Chou Tzuyu nice to meet you...."

Since I'm the only new student in there section, I bet all of them knows my name already.

DH : "Ohhh I'm Kim Dahyun :) Nice to meet you."

CY : "What's happening here?"

I saw a small girl in her sweat pants standing by the door.

DH : "Change into your uniform! Ms. Lee will scold you again!"

CY : "Ehhhh??? Arraso but before that. Let me introduce myself. I'm Son Chaeyoung captain and ace of the Track team."

DH : "That's why she's always in her sweat pants haha."

CY : "Dahyunie you know I had practice."

DH : "Hahaha arraso."

TY : "Nice to meet you I'm Chou Tzuyu."

CY : "Take a sit, I'm going to change first."

The small cub left the room the room afterwards.

DH : "Ohh here's your sit Tzuyu-ah, we sit alphabetically. I think you're the first one now, it used to be Momoring."

This is not your ordinary classroom, our desk was big. We have a computer each table. It's look more of a study room. 

DH : "All of our minor subjects will be held here, but for your major subjects you need to go to the assigned room, wait whats you're major?"

 TY : "Business."

DH : "Ohhhh me too :) That's great we can go to our class at the same time. If that's okay with you?"

TY : "Of course :)"

CY : "And the great Son is back!"

DH : "Hahaha you're voice is too big for someone so small."

CY : "Coming from someone who hides her true height with insoles haha."

DH : "Pabo, she doesn't know."

CY : "Ehh but she will know soon. Since the three of us are sharing a room."

TY : "Hahaha it's okay Dahyun-ah that's not a big deal."

CY : "Tzuyu-ah so you're going to sit in the front?"

TY : "Yeah, Dahyun told me that we sit alphabetically."

CY : "We do, don't worry the front row is fun."

DH : "The rest of them should be here by now."

After Dahyun said that someone opened the door. 5 girls came in the door.

CY : "Jeong hyung! I told you about practice and you didn't attend again."

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