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Since the end of ISAC Tzuyu and Sana hadn't been in good terms. Though Sana wanted to say sorry for how she acted back then she didn't have the chance. Tzuyu would always have something to do.


*At Club Practice*

MN : "Sana chan!"

NY : "Sana!!!!!!!!!!!!"

SN : "Wae? Wae?"

MM : "You're spacing out again, you didn't even hear Mitan screaming."

NY : "Cause Mina's voice is too soft haha."

MN : "Neomuhae! TT."

NY : "Arraso hahaha sorry Minari. Back to Sana. It looks like you haven't fix your lover's quarrel huh?"

SN : "Aniyo unnie, it's not a lover's quarrel. I just felt bad about how I acted last time."

MN : "Just say you're sorry about it."

SN : "I tried but every time I ask her for a minute or two to talk she would just say she's busy or she needs to do something."

MM : "Maybe she's still upset about it?" 

NY : "She's probably is."

MN : "Let's not assume thing maybe she's just really busy. Just try until you get the chance."

SN : "I will."

It's the first time that we haven't talk. I would think that she's avoiding me if I didn't know her. She's not the type to carry hard feelings onto others and I didn't even do anything that's would make her angry.

NY : *On the phone* "Hey babe!"

NY : "Yeah we're almost done."

NY : "Arraso, we'll see you guys there."

MN : "They're done with practice?"

NY : "Yeah they said to meet them at *** cafe after."

MM : "Arraso then let's pack up, Sana chan this is your chance. Don't let Tzuyu get away this time."

SN : "I'll try my best. I don't want to spend another like this."

NY : "Good for you :) Gaja!"

*At **** Cafe*

NY : "Hey babe! :)"

JY : "You guys are late."

CY : "Minari hows practice?"

MN : "Good how bout yours?"

CY : "It was fine."

MM : "Ehhhh? Where's my Dubu?"

JY : "Tzuyu ask for help with something, Jihyo and Dahyun went with her, they'll see us back home."

NY : "There goes your chance again Sana chan."

SN : "Ehhhh I'm not letting this day pass until we talk."

MM : "That's the spirit but can we eat first? Were already here anyway."

MN : "Mitan wants some watermelon shake."

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