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The girls arrived at a close premises that was in the middle of nowhere perfect for team buildings, as they walk uphill from the parking lot to there villa the girls noticed a stream not far below them.

SN : "Tzuyu-ah look! Is that a river?"

TY : "Ani unnie, I think it's just a stream."

SN : "It looks really beautiful."

TY : "It is."

SN : "Look there's a squirrel! Ehhhhh? It seems that it's leg got stuck in that log, we should help it."

TY : "Unnie it's dangerous it's a slide from here and I'm sure it will find a way out. There born to survive."

SN : "Ahh okay."

Sana loves every animal and treat them as a friend she seem to be upset of what Tzuyu said thinking they could've helped the squirrel to make it easier. While the maknae continued to walk with out a clue.

ML : "Okay everyone we have the whole place to ourselves but since this is a team building I want you to split into two groups for the bed assignment. After that take a bath and take a short nap before dinner."

Thinking of which pair will cause more trouble. Jihyo decided to be with Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Momo and Dahyun to stop any form of chaos. 

JH : "Since I trust Mina and Tzuyu-ah with Sana and Chaeng, I'll just sleep with this unnies."

NY : "We can behave too."

JH : "I know, but I want to see the chaos unfold. Gaja, I'll see you guys at dinner."

The girls started to wash up, and tack there selves to bed for a nice afternoon nap. Tzuyu who still doesn't have any clue didn't notice that Sana was being quiet. 


When I woke up it was raining I slept more than the others and it was just me and Chaeng left, I woke her up to meet the rest of them at the living room. We saw everyone sitting in the couch worried of something. The ambiance was too heavy.

CY : "What's with the long faces?"

JH  : "Sana is missing."

TY : "Missing??"

ML : "Where not sure yet if she's really missing, maybe she went outside and got caught in the rain so she stopped to wait for the rain to cease

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ML : "Where not sure yet if she's really missing, maybe she went outside and got caught in the rain so she stopped to wait for the rain to cease. I already talked to the guards, they said she did't even went near the gates. They're still looking for her outside."

CY : "Did anyone call her phone?"

JH : "We tried ringing her phone, but Mina found it lying in her bed."

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