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SN : "Chou Tzuyu!!!!!"

She just continued to walk without even attempting to explain anything to the girls, Sana couldn't take it and just exploded......

SN : "How much of a chicken can you get? Saying you don't want to leave me while I'm sleeping? I heard you, saying you don't want me far from you, let's stay like this for a while? At first I thought I was dreaming, back when you rescued me on our class trip.  Then it happened again on the date you prepared for me. And now you're just leaving? Like that? Say it to me! Don't go telling you want me to stay with you while I'm asleep. Say it while I'm awake! Say it to my dace!"

TY : "Unnie I'm sorry." 

SN : "It's that the only thing you can say now? What was that all about Tzuyu? What was I to you? What's everything we did to you? What's us to you?"

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SN : "It's that the only thing you can say now? What was that all about Tzuyu? What was I to you? What's everything we did to you? What's us to you?"

TY : "Unnie I'm really sorry I got to go."

SN :  "Chou Tzuyu!" Momo held her hands.

JH : "Go Tzuyu."

 SN : "Why are you letting her go? She needs to explain to us." Sana started to cry her heart out.

MN : "Satang calm down."

JY : "I'll explain everything to them." 

TY : "Unnies I'm really sorry. I hope you can understand me. I'll make sure to come back I promise."

NY : "Its fine Tzuyu-ah will always be here for you okay? Until meet again."

Tzuyu grabs her bags and just walked outside leaving Sana with nothing but questions.

MN : "Satang It's okay I know Tzuyu is just in the middle of something. I'm sure she meant everything she said." 

CY : "Unnie I'm sure she'll be back she promised. Don't cry."

DH : "Sana unnie I'm sure Tzuyu have a good reason."

JH : "She needs to fix things with her parents and we're not sure if she can come back before debut. Jeong?"

JY : "Okay everyone. Sit down we need to talk."

Everyone gathered in the living room. Momo and Naeyon are still calming Sana who hasn't stopped crying since Tzuyu walked out of the door.

JH : "Okay, Ms. Yoo since you're the only person Tzuyu trusted with her secret. You need to explain everything, tell us every single thing so we'll have a clear mind especially for Sana."

JY : "Arraso, she didn't pick me okay? It just happened, everyone was too busy with there own things that she didn't have the chance to tell you guys."

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