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As the morning period went on, I notice that lots of the girls were doing something else, some are sleeping and some are goofing off. The only person who was actually studying was Jeongyeon-ssi, Jihyo-ssi and Mina-ssi. Though Ms. Lee was sitting in front of us she didn't say a word to them.


ML : "Okay, it's time for lunch!!"

DH : *Yawning* "Ohhhh good :)"

ML : "Don't forget your afternoon class okay? See you later."


The morning period went by so fast, I wanted to read something but I was busy observing them that I didn't actually did anything.

JY : "Tzuyu-ah! Let's go you don't want the food to get cold."

JH : "Pabo, you didn't even ask Tzuyu-ssi if it's okay with her not to be formal."

TY : "I-it's okay unnie." 

JY : "Jihyo-ah you get worried so much. Gaja."

NY : "Gaja Tzuyu-ah you can walk with me."

SN : "And me!"

MM : "Ehhh don't left me out."

We made our way to the cafeteria, I was walking with Nayeon unnie, Sana-chan and Momoring. While Jeongyoen unnie and Jihyo unnie were walking in front of us. Dahyun was with Mina unnie and Chaeyoung who looks like they were talking about something serious. 

We made it to the cafeteria and I was surprise by what I saw. The people stop talking and just paid attention to us.

MN : "Are you okay Tzuyu?"

CY : "It's her first time, she's probably surprised by everyone."

TY : "Hmm is this normal?"

NY : "You see every since they started that special program everyone here felt we're something different."

MM : "But don't worry it's not something bad."

TY : "Ehhhh?"

DH : "You'll understand soon."

JH : "Hahaha I don't think we need to wait more for her to see."

GIRL STUDENT 1 : "Jeongyeon hyung! Can you help us with our assignment, we're having a hard time understanding it."

JY : "Hahaha arraso, if I can squeeze some of my time."

NY : "You girls need to listen more to your teacher." *Wrapping her arms to Jeong's hands*

JY : "Don't scare them away babe hahaha they're just asking for help, right?"

GIRL STUDENT 2 : "Yep, we're not trying to take hyung from you unnie, you're like the royal couple of university and everyone here respect you guys."

NY : "Arraso, arraso."

We continued walking through the cafeteria, everyone was still watching us as they continued with lunch.

SN : "Tzuyu-ah, do you understand now? :) Everyone here look at us with admiration."

TY : "I did, but why do they call Jeongyeonnie hyung?"

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