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I can't believe I was the last one to sleep but still the first one to wake up. This unnie are still all a babies after all. I should get my hot milk.

I was peacefully sipping my hot milk when a half-awake Sana unnie came out to the balcony.

SN : "Tzuyu-ah :)" She said with her half-opened eyes.

TY : "Unnie good morning, you should have slept a little bit more."

SN : "Ani I've slept a lot."

TY : "Are you okay? How's your wound?"

SN : "It's better now, a little bit painful but it's tolerable. Thank you again Tzuyu-ah."

TY : "That's fine unnie, here have a sit. Do you want some coffee? or milk?"

SN : "Milk would be fine. Thank you."

TY : "Arraso I'll be back unnie."

Whenever unnie just wake up, she seems to be more serious than her usual self. 

TY : "Unnie here you go."

SN : "Thank you :)"

TY : "Unnie if you don't mind can I ask you something?"

SN : "Of course anything."

TY : "You're really optimistic all the time and most of the time you'll just do whatever you want without asking permission then end up being hurt. Not to be rude, but don't your parents get mad or disappointed whenever you do something that they don't want?"

SN : "It's okay. When I was little I would always follow them. I started saying I want to be like them but while I was grouping up I realized that I have a different dream. I was actually the one who pressured myself to something I didn't like."

TY : "What did your mom and dad say?"

SN : "Hmmm they told me to do whatever I want. From that moment I realized the time I'm wasting trying to be like them. After that, I applied for JYP university. It was hard for them since I was an only child but they supported me until now."

TY : "I think you're the only child that I know that's not being formed by there parents."

SN : "Hahaha I get what you're saying Tzuyu, but I understand those parents too. I mean they only wanted the best for their children. My parents get disappointed at me too especially on things like this. They said that I'm too careless."

TY : "What do you feel then?"

SN : "I just laugh at it, I know I was being careless but I was doing it for something great, something I want." She said as she looks up the sky.

Sana unnie is the type that doesn't follow anyone but herself. The exact opposite of who I am, afraid of disappointing my parents. That could be the reason that I feel most comfortable with unnie, why we get along. There's still a ton of things I want to do before I get back to what my parents planned for my future. 

I grew fonder with Sana unnie and I think it's too late to withdraw this feeling. I'm sure that I love her.  Telling her is not the best idea, there will come a time that I have to return to my usual life and I'll end up hurting her. I don't even know how to fight for myself. How could I do it for unnie if the time comes, I wish I could stay like this forever with unnie but I guess our time is running out. 

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