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We spent most of our times practicing and getting ready for ISAC were different university competes. We didn't have enough time for everything but we're managing.

Same as today everyone is busy practicing. While me and Dahyun are skipping club. Dahyun needs to go home and I wanted to have something done for my major.


ML : "That's the last bell. I'll see everyone tomorrow. Don't get yourself wet, it's raining hard outside. Good bye class."

Everyone : "Good bye Ms. Lee"

DH : "I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

JY : "Oh right say hi to auntie for us. Have a good day!"

NY : "Lets go to club. Momo, Sana and Mina."

SN : "Ohhh I forgot my umbrella."

JH : *Sigh* "Sana-chan, you always forget something, you'll get sick if you get wet."

SN : "Then share your umbrella with me."

CY : "I'm sharing mine with Mina."

NY : "With Jeong!"

SN : "Ehhh how bout you Momoring?"

MM : "I forgot mine too, so Jihyo is sharing hers with me."

SN : "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

TY : "Sana unnie here." *Hands over umbrella*

NY : "But how bout you?"

TY : "It's fine unnie the dorm is just a five minute walk, if I run it would probably be 3 minutes."

SN : "Tzuyu-ah it's okay take your umbrella with you. I'll just squeeze in with someone else."

TY : "Unnie I insist. I should go before it gets worst. I'll see you guys at diner!"

I run as quickly as I can before someone else stop me again. The rain was worst than I expected. I was totally drenched when I arrived at the dorm. 

DM : "Tzuyu-ah! You're soaking, where's your umbrella?"

TY : "I'm okay Dorm mother, I lend mine to Sana unnie."

DM : "Hurry up and get your self dry, before you catch a cold. I'm going to prepare your bath."

TY : "Thank you."

I took a warm bath, then I started to feel a little light headed. I went straight to my bed to get some rest....

The sun was up and shinning bright when I opened my eyes. It seems that I had slept the whole night. I tried to stand up when I felt someone holding my hand. I turn around and found a sleeping Sana sitting beside my bed.

 I turn around and found a sleeping Sana sitting beside my bed

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