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CY : "Wait! Tzuyu-ah haven't wish them good luck."

TY : "Oh yeah, unnies good luck. I know you can do this! Fighting!"

There was awkward silent after Tzuyu said that, it was as if everyone was waiting for something.

TY : "Hmm Sana unnie, here you go I saw you limping the other day. Make sure to put a bandage on it before you perform. Please be careful out there."

After handing out the bandage she suddenly runs outside. She saw my injury huh.... I wonder how long have she's been watching me.

JH : "We'll see you, girls, later!"

MN : "Okay Jihyo-ah!"

NY : "Don't you think Tzuyu is becoming softer towards you?"

SN : "Ehhhh? She's like that to everyone."

NY : "Aniyo, she would twist my ankle if I try hugging her. That's a big difference."

MM : "Not to mention that she was the only one who notices you limping. We're with you every day, every practice and I didn't know that you had problems with your ankle."

SN : "Hahaha is nothing actually, I was just limping because I didn't want to add pressure to it."

MN : "Just cover it with a bandage, it will help a lot for your ankles not to swell."

NY : "Gaja! Let's blow the roof off this place. Fighting!"

EVERYONE : "Fighting!!"

The competition started, we were the last to perform and I was nervous coming into stage when I saw the girls standing in the front of the stage. Tzuyu was odd it was like she was only watching me. 

"The winner is JYP University......"

All the hard work had paid off when we heard the MC calling our university. I wanted to run to Tzuyu and share my happiness with her but she was nowhere to be seen.

JH : "Gaja champions! We need to support those No jam bros."

MM : "Arraso!!!"

 My ankle was feeling a lot better with the bandage Tzuyu gave me. I should thank her properly. 

NY : "Jeongieeeeeeeeeeeee!"

JY : "Yow :) Congrats babe :)"

NY : "Now give me my kiss."

JY : "Pabo there's a lot of people here."

NY : "Then you owe me one okay?"

JY : "Arraso, arraso."

CY : "Minari I knew you would win!"

MN : "Thank you Chaengie, do your best out there okay? Don't get hurt."

CY : "I'll return safely to you my princess."

JH : "Ehhhh go now there calling the track team. We'll see you after."

NY : "Jeongie careful okay???"

JY : "Of course Nabong."

SN : "Fighting!"

TY : "S-sana unnie congrats! How is your ankle?"

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