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After practicing so hard the day finally came. Today we're attending ISAAC.

Jihyo unnie will be part of the MC team, while Nayeon, Momo, Sana and Mina unnie are competing in the dance contest with there group. Jeongyeon hyung and Chayeongie have there own match with the track and field club. While I and Dahyun will try to win a medal in archery.

We are currently at the end of the line of our university while waiting for the orientation. When Jeonyeon unnie approached me.

JY : "So Tzuyu-ah when do you plan to tell your parents about this?"

TY : "Hyung shhh, someone might hear you."

That's right I couldn't stop worrying until one time Jeongyeonie noticed it, I didn't have any option and I thought having someone who can I talk to can make me feel better. I wasn't wrong at all, having Jeongyeonie helped me through a lot especially on days I feel guilty for doing it and she never told anyone about it.

JY : "Sorry, I was just curious. I mean you now this whole program in televised right? And you're competing on one of the main events."

TY : "I know that hyung but I'm pretty sure they won't see it. All they care about is work, they rarely had the chance to open the TV or Computer."

JY : "Okay but sooner you need to tell them, you need to make that decision before it gets too late."

TY : "Yes hyung, thank you."

NY : "You two aren't even listening to Jihyo-ah, she sends it's time for the oath. Lift your right hands!"

JY : "Arraso... We heard her!"

SN : "Okay okay, calm down you two."

CY : "Lovers quarrel in the morning huh hahaha."

MN : "Shhhh it's starting."

CY : "Oppps mianhe Minari."

The ceremony began, the committee gave there opening remarks does making the event officially open. The first event was the dance competition. We went to the backstage to show our support to the unnie's.

CY : "Minari!!!! Break a leg.. but don't hurt yourself out there, I'm going to cheer for you all the way."

MN : "Thank you Chaeng :)"

CY : "Good luck unnies."

MM, SN, NY : "Thank you Smol!"

DH : "Nayeon unnie, Sana unnie, Mina unnie and Momo unnie good luck. Don't get yourself hurt, we'll be cheering for you guys in the front."

SN : "Ehhh no message for Momoring?"

DH : "I already told you guys."

JH : "Ooops looks like someone is already sulking."

We saw Momo unnie pouting on the side.

DH : "Arraso. Good luck Momoring!" She said and gave her a hug.

NY : "Now give mine Jeongie!"

JY : "Why do you always have to be impatience?"

NY : "Ehhhhhh you been avoiding me for a while now."

Jeongyeon unnie walked towards Nayeon unnie, she gave her a hug while she pats the back of her head.

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