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We're days away from our debut stage, and lately, I've been bothered but I'm not sure what...

ML : "Okay girls today we will practice the whole day. We already talk to your teachers about your other subject. They'll be giving you guys your assignments and handouts. Assignments will not due until 3 days after your debut so you don't need to worry that much. Any questions?"

EVERYONE : "Aniyo!"

ML : "Then will start practicing. We'll do the formation first and then the singing."

SN : "Tzuyu-ah! Hwaiting!"

TY : "Thank you unnie, let's do our best :)"

ML : "Ms. Chou can you bend your knees a little more?"

TY : "Like this?"

ML : "It looks better that way, we need to keep the height close."

TY : "Arraso Ms. Lee!"

It took us the whole morning to practice the first song. We still need to run on our second one. 

ML : "You guys can have your breaks."

JH : "Today's lunch is on me! :)"

JY : "Omo did you injure your head?"

JH : "Pabo! Since everyone is doing their best. As a leader, I should do something."

MM : "I'm warning you I'm not going easy on the food."

JH : "Hahahaha it's fine but try to eat as much as you can only."

CY : "Then, let's go Mina unnie."

MN : "Hai!"

NY : "Babe don't leave me behind!"

JH : "You two should start eating, we only have an hour for lunch."

SN : "Thank you Jihyo-ah!" She said and run to the others.

JH : "You're welcome."

JH : "Tzuyu-ah do you have a problem?"

TY : "Aniyo unnie. Why?"

JH : "It's just that you seem out of it since this morning."

TY : "Eh? Is it too obvious?"

JH : "No, at least not for everyone else. If they did figure it out, Sana would probably be all over you by now. So what's up?"

TY : "It's nothing unnie, it's just when I woke up I felt uncomfortable but I don't know why."

JH : "Are you hurting somewhere?"

TY : "Ani unnie, it's just in my mind."

JH : "Maybe your just tired."

TY : "I hope."

SN : "Tzuyu-ah! Do you want me to get your food? :)" She shouted across the cafeteria.

SN : "Tzuyu-ah! Do you want me to get your food? :)" She shouted across the cafeteria

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