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After what happened to Tzuyu we become closer. I didn't thought about dating before and I'm not even sure if I want to do it now but one thing for sure I want to be with her more than anyone else.

*Door opens*

SN : "Tzuyu-aaah!"

JH : "Don't go hopping down the stairs! You might lose balance and hurt yourself."

NY : "She knows what she's doing." She said will she watch TV with the rest of the girls.

DH : "Unnie you're too clingy she's not here yet."

SN : "Ehhhhhh?"

CY : "Oh oh, I think someone forgot Sana unnie hahaha."

JY : "Hahaha are they even a thing?"

SN : "Where is she?" I just Ignored Jengyeon and Chaeyoung. 

DH : "She left with Elkie after practice she said they're grabbing some coffee."

SN : "Elkie???????"

JY : "Hahahaha here comes the drama."

CY : "It looks like someone is jealous hyung."

JY : "Right! Hahaha."

JH : "Okay, you two shut up or I'm going to kick you out of your sits. Now tell us who is this Elkie?"

DH : "I don't know much about her all I know is she meet her in the library once. Maybe Mina unnie knows since she works part time there."

MN : "Hmm Elkie.... Chong Elkie?"

DH : "Yeah I think that's right."

MN : "Well if it's Chong Elkie she's the captain and ace of the Volleyball club

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MN : "Well if it's Chong Elkie she's the captain and ace of the Volleyball club. She's from Taiwan, that's probably why there close."

MM : "Ohhh so you meant Elkie-ah, you have your self a competition Satang."

SN : "What competition???"

NY : "You know Elkie is cuter than you haha."

SN : "Unnie!!!!!"

MM : "Just spill it out, Elkie is really beautiful and everyone are going crazy because of her."

SN : "But Tzuyu and I are just friends, I don't mind if she likes her that way."

CY : "You don't? Then it should be alright hahaha"

JY : "Hahaha have you even confess to her? Maybe you're just saying that because you're not sure if Tzuyu will like you back" 

JH : "Okay you two, to the kitchen I already warned you about teasing her. I need to teach you a lesson with what jokes you say."

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