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[At the *** Cafe]

JY : "Should I call the others?"

TY : "Unnie before that I have a favor to ask."

JH : "Were listening."

TY : "Can you buy me some more time? Can you keep Sana unnie away for a while?"

DH : "Ehhh for what?"

TY : "I know she was upset in ISAC, I wanted to do something to make it up to her."

JY : "Okay but what do you have in mind?"

TY : "I wanted to prepare a movie date with her."

CY : "Movie DATE, omo Tzuyu-ah you're being bold."

TY : "Ani it's just a friendly date."

JH : "Friendly or whatever, what can we help you?"

TY : "If Chaeyoung and Dahyuie are fine with me using the maknae's room for the whole night. I want to set up the room."

DH : "Of course for our chingu."

CY : "Does that mean I get to switch room with Sana unnie? I can sleep with Minari?"

JY : "Do you have things ready?"

TY : "I do, I only have to prepare some snacks."

JH : "Then lets split into two groups. Dahyun and I will help Tzuyu. Chaeyoung and Jeong you're in charge of telling the others and keeping Sana away. We'll text you once we're ready."

TY : "Thank you, guys."

CY : "No problem, besides were so done with Sana unnie sulking about it hahaha."

JY : "Then I'll call Nayeon..."

*Calling Im Nayeon*

JY : "Nabong! Were at *** Cafe right now, I'm gonna tell you something but don't make it too obvious okay?"

JY : "Tzuyu have a plan for Sana tonight, we need to keep Sana away for a while. Okay? I'll see you guys."

*End of Call*

JY : "She said they are coming here."

JH : "Then we'll leave everything to you two, I hope none of you spill the bean. See you back at the dorm."

JY, CY : "Arraso leader-nim!"

[At the Dorm]

This is the least I can do to make up for what she felt.

TY : "Unnie it's just a little something, I just want to make everything right." 

I opened the door...

SN : "Tzuyu this is too much. It was my fault, I acted like a kid you didn't do anything."

TY : "Aniyo unnie it's for all the time I wanted to say thanks to you but couldn't. It's not really that much, here you can lay down here unnie." 

SN : "Thank you Tzuyu-ah, here's your favorite bread."

TY : "Thank you unnie you shouldn't have to."

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