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The girls continued to practice and adjust to Tzuyu's leaving. All of them had a really hard time copping but Sana took the most of it. She would come into School, practice and go back to her bed. The playful and always happy Sana was nowhere to be found.

ML : "I know you girls are having a hard time right now, but think about what would Tzuyu wants. For today I'm letting you girls rest, do whatever you can to cope up. Do something that would make you happy, we'll continue our practice tomorrow for two days and take another day of rest before your debut. Please be mindful of your health too, practice is dismissed. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

JH : "Thank you Ms. Lee."

CY : : "Sana unnie want to go to the arcade?"

SN : "I'm okay, you and Minari have fun."

NY  : "Then go with us, we're going to eat at a buffet."

MM : "Majayo! They have a good dessert there."

SN : "I'll pass, I have assignments to do."

JY : "Then we'll just take some foods home for you."

SN : "Arraso,gaja lets all head out."

Before the girls boarded the bus Jihyo went to Sana.

JH : "Sana chan, don't think too much okay? Everything will be okay soon. We'll be back home."

SN : "I'll wait for you guys. Enjoy!!!!!!"


On my way back to the dorm, the rain started to pour down. It feels like the sky is sharing the same pain with me. I took out my umbrella.... It was Tzuyu's she didn't want to take it back, so I kept it for her.

DM : "Ohh Sana chan you're home early."

SN : "Annyeong, they gave us a rest for today."

DM : "Where are the others?"

SN : "They went outside."

DM : "Why didn't you go?"

SN : "I have things to finish, I'll be in my room. They'll be home soon."

DM : "Okay call me if you need anything."

I went upstairs and started getting to my assignments. The truth is I couldn't focus with anything, I barely managed to keep up with practice but the truth is I'm almost breaking down.


DM : "Sana your classmate is looking for you outside."

SN : "Who was is Dorm Mother-ssi?"

DM : "I forgot to ask her name, I'll go back and ask her."

SN : "Ani no need for that, can you let her in?"

DM : "Arraso."


EK : "Sana unnie?"

I was surprised to see Elkie walking in.

SN : "Omo what are you doing? If you're looking for Tzuyu she left 2 days ago."'

EK : "It's not that, I wanted to tell you something."

SN : "It's fine I know everything right now. I'm sorry if I always treated you wrong, I should've respected you more. Sorry for being a bother for your relationship."

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