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Xiao Zhan was done with living in Shanghai , he had lost the reason to. When he had arrived in Shanghai six years earlier, he was determined in making the most of his life, and now he was back to the black board. He had difficulty in carrying a luggage in one hand and making sure the one year old baby boy, who was strapped onto him, was having a peaceful nap. He was really glad that he had delivered all their belongings beforehand, to their new home and had a medium size luggage and a small back pack with him, or he can't imagine what an ordeal he would have created on the terminal.

Though irritated,he waited patiently for his train which was an hour late. He watched his clock for the nth time, but it was futile because he wasn't aware when the train would arrive as there was some maintanence problem with the train. Abruptly, he heard the whistle of a train and found it to belong to the train that will be taking them back to 'Chongqing'. His home town.

However, there were no parents waiting for him on the other side, as they had passed away about three years ago. His heart ached when he remembered it. He looked at the baby, and patted him on the head,and whispered," There's only me and you, ah-Xing."

He strided towards the train only to be prevented from riding the train by a pull of his shirt from behind.He turned to find a boy in his teens. His big glassy eyes were looking at him so adorably,that Zhan didn't know how to react.
"How can I help you?", Zhan asked.

The boy tilted his head and stammered, " the train to..Chongqing?"

The voice was so soft that felt like a whisper, it felt the boy was petrified to speak. He could feel the boy trembling and as if holding on to Xiao Zhan's shirt was giving him the sole strength or else he would crumble right there. Xiao Zhan didn't like seeing the boy in such a state, though he was practically a stranger. Xiao Zhan unconsciously held the stranger's free hand and gave a tender smile,"It seems you're on the right track. This is the train to Chongqing . Let's get on the train before it leaves us here. Ok?"

However, he didn't let the boy answer and pulled him along with him, tightly holding onto the hand as scared the boy would get lost among the hordes of people trying to ride the train. He looked back to find the boy looking towards his feet and holding onto Xiao Zhan's hand with the same intensity. Xiao Zhan himself was flummoxed with his actions, but it felt right, and it's been a long time since he felt that he had done the right thing.

Once aboard Xiao Zhan was reluctant to part but there was a greater possibility that their sits were in completely different compartments. Still hesitantly he asked,"Uhm, so what's your sit number?"

The boy slowly looked up and answered in a timid voice,"It''s E-80."

Xiao Zhan was amazed at this revolution,"Guess what, our sit number is E-81, what a coincidence."

A smile lit on the boy's face, it was the first smile he had seen from the boy and he must say it was beautiful yet, innocent in a way, making him look like a puppy that Xiao Zhan would definitely like to own. At the realisation of what Xiao Zhan was thinking, he scolded himself mentally.

Getting to their sits Xiao Zhan tucked the luggage on the space above their head. Xiao Zhan eyed the boy to find there was no luggage with him except the bag on his back. Now that he had the time to look at the boy, he seemed to be dressed in light white t-shirt and blue jeans, with converse shoes which were old. It was baffling because the weather has been cold for some time,as winter was knocking at the door. Thus, practically everyone was more or less dressed in warm clothes.

Abruptly, the boy looked into Xiao Zhan's eyes and for a moment he caught a glance of sorrow in those eyes, leaving Xiao Zhan rendered. Was it his imagination? He was not sure so without further ado he dismayed his thought. Xiao Zhan remembering that he kept looking at the boy's face for too long and also got caught, had to mentally slap him.

He cleared his voice and asked the boy," I was wondering want to keep your bag up here?"

"'s ok. I will..keep it with me.", the boy's voice still as timid as ever.

After they took their respective seats it didn't take much long before the train started for its destination: Chongqing.

Xiao Zhan eyed the boy and found him trying to look outside but Xiao Zhan had the better view as his seat was right next to the window. Therefore, to let boy get good glance of outside window he willingly offered his seat. At first, the boy hesitated but then after insisting a little he gladly took the seat. The boy's eyes twinkled with delight perceiving the outside view, even though they hadn't left Shanghai yet, then how was he going to react when he sees the view after leaving Shanghai cause it was much much nicer and beautiful, according to Xiao Zhan.

After a while, they both were silent but soon the boy initiated a conversation. "I think... it's so rude of me that I haven't introduced myself yet, helped me. I'm, Wang Yibo, and I turned 18 this year."

" Nah, I haven't helped you that much but it's really nice to meet you,Yibo. I'm, Xiao Zhan , and am 24 this year and the baby boy here is, Xiao(Zheng)Fanxing , my son. He is above a year old." Xiao Zhan said with a big smile. He was glad to finally know the name of the boy. He thought it was cute and it perfectly suited the boy, or Yibo.

As if hearing his name, the baby opened his doe eyes, having some difficulty in adjusting his eyes to the light he clutched Xiao Zhan's shirt and whimpered. " It's ok, Ah-Xing, Baba is here.", Xiao Zhan cooed.

It made Yibo break into a smile as he found it adorable how Xiao Zhan was talking to his son. Xiao Zhan was practically a stranger yet, he felt more comfortable with him than he had with anyone, in ages. He was glad that he had gathered the courage to ask help from someone, and that someone turned out to being Xiao Zhan.

Out of the blue, Yibo's stomach grumbled out loud which attracted Xiao Zhan's attention. He found Yibo's cheeks being tainted with a shade of red, out of embarrasment. Xiao Zhan chuckled," It seems like you are really hungry and it's nothing to be embarrassed about. I think I have some food with me. Wait, I'll give it to you."

Yibo tried protesting but Xiao Zhan didn't pay a head and grabbed his bag pack. He brought out a box consisting plethora sorts of fruits and thrusted it in Yibo's hand. While getting a bottle of milk out for FanXing as he seemed hungry as well.

Both Fanxing and Yibo's mouth watered at the sight of their respective foods. Xiao Zhan had to refrain himself from further chuckling,and settled with a smile.

Both started gobbling at the food thus, Xiao Zhan had to voice out his worry, "Slow down Yibo, the food is not running away. You too ah-Xing~~.The food is not going any where. "

"Now I realize how hungry I am. I didn't ate last night and didn't had the scope of grabbing anything for breakfat as I had to elope as soon as I got the oppourtunity. Or someone would have caught me and I would have lost my chance of escaping.", Yibo unconsciously exclaimed while consuming the fruits.

Elope. Escape. That's what Xiao Zhan's brain processed and looked at Yibo in pure astonishment,

"What?!", Xiao Zhan exclaimed. While Yibo looked at him like a dear caught in headlights.

Don't forget to share what you feel about the 1st chapter. I hope you like this, our Yizhan and baby Fanxing.

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