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Xiao Zhan for the last time recalled all that occured at the station which led to Yibo coming into his and Fanxing's life. He stood under the warm shower which washed away his tiredness and the knots forming in his muscles. Before coming to take a bath,he quickly opened up some boxes and placed the baby protection mat on the floor and placed some toys on it. Then made sure the heater was on and working. When he sensed Yibo coming into the living room, looking fresh from having a bath. He told Yibo to look after Fanxing, and that's how ended in the washroom taking a bath.

It was strange to have an extra addition in his home;after living alone for so many years. When Fanxing came it was petrifing yet, he was so exhilarated to have someone with him, his part, his son. But having Yibo was different because he was not a baby, unlike Fanxing. Wasn't he the one in the first place who proposed Yibo to stay at his house, then why was he pondering about this topic?

When he returned, he found Yibo imitating a lion and playfully running after Fanxing. Fanxing laughing ran away from Yibo with his chubby legs, falling down, yet again standing up . When Fanxing spotted his Baba, he hid behind his legs while Yibo seemed embarressed to get caught behaving like this. Xiao Zhan smiled and pat Yibo's head. It was so soft that Xiao Zhan felt like keep patting him, but he prevented himself from doing so. It would make him look weird. A shade of pink painted Yibo's cheeks and meekly he smiled.

Xiao Zhan picked Fanxing up and cleared his throat, " Didi,if you don't mind, please warm the food that my friends sent, while I change Fanxing out of his clothes and feed him. Open some boxes in the kitchen and you will find things you need."

Yibo nodded and went to the kitchen. By the time, he had set up the plates and food, Xiao Zhan arrived and sat on a chair. "Umm.., where is Fanxing?", Yibo asked as he placed the pot of steamed rice on the table, and took a sit as well.

" After I changed his clothes, while feeding him milk he got drowsy so I arranged some pillows and let him sleep. He must have been tired as well."

"Oh, that's good. But.. he should have consumed something solid, isn't he over a year old?"

" Yeah, he is. Don't worry. If he will wake up in the middle of the night then, I will feed him somthing solid. You know, it's so strange that it didn't take much time for Ah-Xing to get accoustomed to you. He is a shy kid to be precise."

Yibo smiled at Xiao Zhan, " I think even babies can't resist my charms."

Xiao Zhan stopped eating and looked at Yibo, did he heard what he just heard, a cocky Yibo? That was new, but amusing. Xiao Zhan smirked when he saw Yibo getting embarrased after realizing what he just said. Maybe, there was something more to the feeble and timid Yibo, more to discover.

" Well, charming I don't know, but you are adorable for sure. I think, Ah-Xing thought you are someone his age.", Xiao Zhan chukled.

Yibo puffed his cheeks and retorted, " I'm..I'm.. not a ba-by, Gege!"

"I know, I was just joking. Now, stop talking and eat",Xiao Zhan smiled.

"Don't worry about the dishes. I'll wash them. You go and sleep. Take a good rest.", Xiao Zhan said smiling at Yibo.

Yibo looked at the upturned muscles, smiling Xiao Zhan was truly a sight to see. Xiao Zhan's smile had an enchanting aura to it, or was he the only one who felt like it?  He wanted to reach out and touch those lips which could produce such an alluring smile,along with the little mole that perfectly complimented that enchanting smile. Realizing what he was thinking Yibo shook his head as he could feel his cheeks getting flushed. Was anything wrong with him? Why did he feel like that?

" Yah, how long are gonna stand like that? I said it's fine. Now go, shoo~~", Xiao Zhan said turning Yibo around and lightly pushing him out of the kitchen.

Lying down Yibo could feel all the tiredness rushing to him like a MRT, and before he knew it, his eyes got heavy and he was out in a switch.

Perceiving the light being still on at Yibo's room, Xiao Zhan went to check out on him. He found Yibo in a fetus position, slightly shivering from the cold as he had no blanket to cover him. Xiao Zhan scolded himself for not giving a blanket to Yibo sooner. He got out of the room, searched a few boxes and then stumbled upon the blankets. He chose the most warm one and went back to Yibo's room.

He cautiously covered Yibo with it, as not to wake him up. Yibo looked peaceful sleeping and so vulnerable at the same time.

Xiao Zhan , didn't know why but, had the abrupt urge to protect Yibo from the covetous and hankering world. Though, he wanted to protect Ah-Xing from all sort of evils too; however, that was a fatherly instinct and would always be there. But with Yibo it was different. He had met him just this morning, and was only aware of his name and age; yet, he felt such strong emotions for him. Xiao Zhan tenderly patted Yibo's head, then running his hand through the soft hairs.Yibo shifted and seemed content in his sleep.

If it weren't for Fanxing's cries penetrating the night's tranquil serenity he would have remained sitting by Yibo's bed, gazing at him. Xiao Zhan felt guilty as if he was stalking Yibo's privacy. He apologised to sleeping Yibo, turned off the lights,and hurried to Fanxing's side.

" Ah-Xing,shiss~, Baba is here~ No need to cry, love. Is my baby hungry?", Xiao Zhan said cradling Fanxing in his arms. Fanxing shook his head and clutched Xiao Zhan's tee.


"Aiyo, I'm here! I will always be here for you my baby~~!", Xiao Zhan said cooing, though, he felt sad listening to his son. His son had anxiety if he didn't found Xiao Zhan by his side. Now how was he going to work leaving him? But he was glad Yibo would be here to look after Fanxing for the meanwhile.

Xiao Zhan laid on the bed with Fanxing in his arms, humming a lullaby. He could look outside his window from where he was lying. The moon was shining so bright. It was an eventful day.And there was more to do tomorrow. 

It didn't seem bad,leaving his past life and starting afresh with his son, his best friends, and...Yibo.

Here you go guys! Thanks for reading my story and really kudos to those who voted!❤️
Please do comment cause it motivates me to write more!
Till the next time!❤️

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