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The winter sunrays were notoriously dancing on Xiao Zhan's face. He pulled the blanket over his face to seek refuge from the light. Well, he wasn't prepared to wake up. He tried to pull Fanxing near to his chest, but it felt empty; there was no Fanxing in his arms!

Panic stiken Xiao Zhan bolted upright and leapt out of the bed,almost falling hard on his face, but got a grip before he came to contact with the floor. Blearily scrunitizing his surrounding he walked out of his room, to be welcomed by the sight of Yibo feeding Fanxing a smashed banana, which he realised by the smell of it. Xiao Zhan heaved a sigh of relief. He could feel his heart pounding fast through his chest.

Not finding his son by his side had made Xiao Zhan's blood go cold. He knew he was being too over concerned but waking up, he couldn't think straight. Fanxing seemed to enjoy the food and babbled half in his baby language while the other half in understable humen tongue. Yibo gave his complete attention to Fanxing, as if completely understanding what Fanxing was saying, as he fed him.

"Oh,Gege. You woke up. I thought you would like to sleep some more", Yibo said, feeling Xiao Zhan's presence,while making Fanxing drink some water.

Xiao Zhan covered his mouth while yawning, then replied," Nah, I think I can't sleep more. What is the time?"

" It is about 11 in the morning. You look sleepy though, if you wanna sleep more you can. I will look after Fanxing and clean the place.", Yibo replied while wiping clean Fanxing's face and put him down on the floor. Fanxing radiently smiled at Yibo, which Yibo reciprocated.

Xiao Zhan felt like clicking a picture of this moment as they both looked so adorable, which he literally did in his heart. Now with full tummy, Fanxing realised his Baba's presence and started running towards him happily; however, due to those small legs he was about to fall face first. Xiao Zhan's fast reflex made him caught Fanxing. Yibo heaved a sigh of relief. Xiao Zhan chuckled realising his son had indeed gone on him.

By the evening Xiao Zhan and Yibo were done putting everything to their rightful places and had put the cardboard boxes at the storeroom. The flat had now a more homey feeling to it. However, they both were exhausted and their limbs felt a little sore. Though, Xiao Zhan had commanded Yibo not to do any work, Yibo still did. It seemed unfair to Yibo to sit around while Xiao Zhan did all the work.

Walking to the fridge Xiao Zhan found it to be particularly empty, except for a few boxes of food that his friends had given them. He called out to Yibo and told his plan about going for grocery shopping, to which Yibo obviously agreed.

He dressed Fanxing in some warm clothes as the weather seemed a little chilly. Perceiving that Yibo had no such things which fell into the category of 'warm', Xiao Zhan lended him one of his coats. The coat was a bit big for Yibo thus making him look more adorable than he already was. Maybe being young everyone would looked cute, Xiao Zhan presumed, forgetting the fact he was only 24!

The supermarket wasn't afar therefore, they decided to walk there while Fanxing was in a stroller. It has beens years since he had last set foot in this supermarket. His house was quite a distance away from here but his mother loved coming here for purchasing groceries. Seeing the aisles and familiar surrounding it made him nostalgic. He told Yibo to stay close and to push the stroller while he shopped for the things they needed, and told Yibo to voice if anything he wanted. Yibo simply nodded and followed Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan was almost done with his shopping, and he was glad that Yibo had told a few things that he wanted; such as the knives, pan, toothbrush etc. However, he felt frustrated that he couldn't find any pack of strawberries. There was also no staff nearby to ask for help. He stood by the aisle of chocolates looking around. Out of the blue, he noticed that the stroller was beside him, Fanxing sleeping peacefully in it, but no sign of Yibo.

Panick seized him. Where could have Yibo  gone? He kept the trolly packed with the listed staff by the aisle and started to frantically search the store while pushing the stroller. He shouted for Yibo but there was no response. The supermarket was the biggest in Chongqing thus making it even harder for him to find trace of Yibo. After a while, when he was about to go to the announcement room, a crowd of people grabbed his attention. Before he knew his legs were walking there on its on.

After pushing through it with the stroller. Finally he found Yibo crouched down coiling his arms aound his legs. He called out to Yibo and rushed to his side. Yibo looked up and his eyes were red from those holding back his tears with a stoic face. It broke Xiao Zhan's heart. Yibo practically jumped on Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan could feel Yibo trembling hence, hugged him tight while patted his back soothingly.

" you...had left me.", Yibo said with a raw voice and choked on the tears that slowly rolled down.

" Sshh, it's ok, I'm here. Now calm down, Bo-di."said Xiao Zhan in an assuring voice.

Finding that people were looking at them with so much interest Xiao Zhan barked at them still holding Yibo in his arms, " Doesn't anyone have anything to do rather than being here! It's not something funny to watch, I guess!" Relief flooded in when everyone, seeming embarressed, went about their way.

" Let's talk about it later, ok? For now, let's check out.", said Xiao Zhan.

However, Yibo seemed reluctant and was holding on his coat fearing he would again be separated. Xiao Zhan found that Yibo had their trolly with him. So Yibo returned near the chocolate aisle. Xiao Zhan scolded himself inwardly, for he should have waited there.

A rope attracted his attention which was for sale. He walked over and grabbed it, then tied one end to Yibo's right wrist and the other to his own. Yibo looked quizzically at him while Xiao Zhan smiled, "So that you won't get lost again."

Walking to the check out counters, everyone present stole glances at them, but Xiao Zhan didn't care a bit.  The cashier didn't react and did his work professionally while billing the items. Xiao Zhan had  to put his wrist near the bar code reader to bill the rope. Yibo remained silent all through it while holding on the stroller. He glanced a few times at the stroller if Fanxing was awake or not, but Fanxing seemed to be blissfully sleeping through the whole ordeal.

Stepping in the apartment, Xiao Zhan felt relieved. He was glad he called over an 'Uber' or else he would be dead by now carrying all these stuffs. Fanxing was awake by now and full-of energy after eating a few crackers, thus Xiao Zhan turned on the t.v. for Fanxing to watch some cartoons.

Xiao Zhan and Yibo kept all the items on the dining table, then Xiao Zhan ordered Yibo to sit.

" What had happened back there?"

" I..I..saw you wanted strawberries and I found that aisle earlier. When I called for you, you seemed preoccupied with other things. So I thought I would go and fetch them. But when I returned you and Fanxing wasn't there, except the trolly. So I freaked out and guys had abandoned me."

Xiao Zhan flicked Yibo's forehead and answered,"Idiot, if I had wanted to get rid of you, I would have left you at the station, then why bring you at my house? I got worried not finding you and went looking for you. No need to worry about these things. I'm here and I would love to keep you as my babysitter for free", Xiao Zhan smiled at Yibo then rubbed the skin tenderly where he had hit before, feeling apologestic. Yibo smiled too and voiced out a sweet, 'Thank you'.

Feeling tired to even warm the food in the fridge Xiao Zhan decided to order food. The day was really eventful and too much for Xiao Zhan to take in. Now sprawling over the sofa and eating and occationally feeding Fanxing, while Yibo by his side, also devouring the food; he truly felt at peace.

Done with another chap! What do you feel about this chap? Don't forget to share your thoughts on it! And those of you always vote and comment are really amazing! Thank you❤️

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