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Xiao Zhan comprehending what was happening he swiftly took hold of Yibo's waist and made him sit on the counter. Yibo being surprised gasped. Xiao Zhan made use of this opportunity as he let his tongue travel in Yibo's mouth, tasting the warm sweet bliss which he yearned for years now. He found Yibo coil his arms around his neck to pull him closer as he  himself pulled Yibo's waist. Both of them wanting to erase any distance between them. Their tongue moved in a synchronized way as if they had done it for who knows how many times, while in real it was the first kiss they both shared. After a while they came apart due to a lack of oxygen. Xiao Zhan had his forehead against Yibo's as they both panted and inhaled air.

Yibo then tilted his head and gazed seriously at Xiao Zhan. Though he tried to be intimidating but with those red swollen lips, flushed pink cheeks, Xiao Zhan still found him adorable and wanting kiss him again.

" Xiao Zhan..*pant*...listen to me carefully. You know..*pant*... this was my first ever kiss and I gave it to you. So now you will have to take full responsibility for me. You won't be able to get rid of me no matter what. Are you up for it?", Yibo tried to say in a stern voice yet he couldn't hide his nervous tone.

Xiao Zhan was stunned, but in a happy way. Without answering he dived for another kiss and took hold of Yibo's face. With his thumb he gently caressed Yibo's cheeks while kissed in a slow way just conveying his true feelings. Before he separated he gently pecked Yibo's cheek. He smiled wide at Yibo showing his bunny teeth while his eyes turned into crescent and answered, " It would be my honor to take your responsibility Wang Yibo. Thanks for entrusting me with your first kiss. I will not let you down, honey!"

Xiao Zhan brought Yibo into his embrace and hugged him tight. Yibo supported his chin on Xiao Zhan's shoulder and hugged equally tight. Both of them smiled in such an alluring way which could blind any person looking at those smiles.

"How about going to the park near the riverside for a picnic?", Yibo says as he passes the strawberries to Fanxing.

As soon as Fanxing hears the words 'picnic' his eyes lights up and he nods vigorously, " Yes! Please Baba let's go~~"

Xiao Zhan chuckles at his son and replied, " Why not? Let's go. Through the weekdays we were too busy to give Fanxing any time and after last night we all are exhausted. Thus having a picnic is actually a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion honey.", Xiao Zhan smiled admiring at Yibo which brings a shade of pink on Yibo's cheeks.

"But don't make anything for lunch. How about buying some bento boxes from the nearby Japanese restaurant, and snacks and beverages from the supermarket?", Xiao questions as he takes a bite from his pancake dripped with honey.

" That's good. This we both won't waste time trying to prepare food. Fanxing if you are done with your breakfast let's get you dressed up.", says Yibo as he dumps his plate in the dishwasher.

Arriving at the riverside park, Xiao Zhan was able to a good area to park the car. Then he passed the sheets to Fanxing,for him to carry, as he wanted to help, and gave the big bag of snacks and a pack of beverages for Yibo. While he carried most of the thing. They were fortunate to find a area under a tree from which they had a clear view of the river nearby and the surrounding was covered with lush greeneries and vibrant flowers. They spread the sheet and kept everything on it and sat down.

"My hands hurt from carrying the sheet,Mama~.", Fanxing whined with a cheeky smile at Yibo.

Yibo pinched his little son's nose and playfully replied, "Aiya, my son had to carry such a heavy thing, for sure, your hand would hurt."

Xiao Zhan just smile at those two acting silly as he arranged everything on the sheet.

Well after afternoon Xiao Zhan choose your sit against the tree and read a book while the other wanted to play. Though Yibo and Fanxing persisted him to play he pulled his 'being too old and tired' card and shooed them away. He was too engrossed in the book so after a while he looked up from the book he found Fanxing with another boy his age, at a little distance, while his family's little was standing near a family that seemed to have come for a picnic as well. What seemed wrong was though all the adults seemed to be sit on their sheet, which was spread on the grass, a girl near Yibo's age stood in front of him. Trying to act like a white lotus,it made Xiao Zhan tsked finding the girl was miserably failing-to act like one.

Xiao Zhan kept the book aside, stood up and strides towards Yibo. Getting breathe draped his right hand casually over Yibo's shoulder and pulled him a little closer before asking, " What are you doing here,talking to a lovely family,without me?".

Everyone present shifted their eyes at the newcomer, while Yibo ,who first got stiff when he abruptly found himself being pulled to closer to someone, instantly relaxed when he heard Xiao Zhan voice which was like honey. Yibo shifted his gaze and smiled at Xiao Zhan and retorted, " Who was the one to decline the offer of playing with me and Ah-Xing? Now you come and ask."

"Oh!my. How come all of you are so good looking?", praised a woman who appeared to be somewhat 50.

They both got shy and thanked that woman, who is called Mrs. Liang,Xiao Zhan found out from Yibo. There was Mr.Liang, their son and daughter-in-law, and their daughter Meimei, who was currently standing beside Yibo.

"Say, are you Yibo's brother? Cause I think our little Meimei has seem to take a fancy on Yibo. How about giving them a push. They both will look together, won't they?", Mrs. Liang playfully asked.

Meimei blushed a little while rest of her family chuckled. Yibo frowned at that and looked at Xiao Zhan with concerned eyes. Xiao Zhan smiled at Mrs. Liang which actually didn't reach his eyes and answered politely, " Unfortunately, Mrs. Liang it can never happen, because Yibo is tied down with me, not officially yet though. And, no,I'm not his brother, but his boyfriend. Sorry Meimei but Yibo is 'mine'."

Yibo's blush was visible as his cheeks were layered with a deep crimson red, which made Xiao Zhan pinch his cheek with his free hand and chuckled.

Meimei seemed disheartened and to loosen the atmosphere, her brother broke out small light talks with Xiao Zhan and Yibo.

Later when they were near the river during sunset, Fanxing was fast asleep on Xiao Zhan's shoulder as it was his nap time normally. Yibo stood beside him as their hand was strongly intertwined. They both were enjoying the comfortable silence between them,even cutting out the voices of others from the background. They have had their moments like this. But this was completely different from those cause right now they stood as boyfriends and not just mere friends. As Xiao Zhan shifted his gaze lovingly at Yibo he found the last rays of sun falling on Yibo before it went back for the day. The glow bestowed a majestic look on Yibo, who himself was a art of nature, taking Xiao Xhan's breath away and making him fall deeper in love with Yibo.

Feeling Xiao Zhan's gaze Yibo looked at him back with a wide smile. This made Xiao Zhan's heart skip a beat and thus he stole a peck from Yibo. Which was meant to be one peck, turned to two, then three and then when their tongue's got involved neither of the two has any idea. After their shared kisses Xiao Zhan pulled Yibo closer in his arms as he adjusted Fanxing in a more comfortable position,and held Fanxing with his left arm while his right hand coiled around Yibo's waist. Right now Xiao Zhan felt fully completed having his two precious jewels in his arms.

Hey, my lovely readers I'm back with an update!
Late Happy New Year to everyone!❤️
Though I wanted to post earlier I couldn't do so owing to personal reasons. So I'm really sorry!
I'm about to sit for my AS exams this year during may-June so I'm really busy with my studies, so regarding next chapter it may take some time, but it won't be that long though XD.

Don't forget to share how you liked this chapter!

Till the next time!❤️❤️

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