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A brunette got out of a car and rushed inside the nursery while looking at his watch to see whether he was late or not. He found there was still a minute left for the bell to signal the end of the nursery classes. As if in cue the bell rang and hordes of kids started getting out. He looked throughout the crowd to detect a kid, his kid. When he found the said 5 year old running towards him he unconsciously opened his arms as he crouched down, while a big smile was painted on his face.

The kid crushed into his arms while screaming 'mama'.

"Mama! I missed you!!", the boy whined and clutched onto the back of his coat.

"Aiya~, my ah-Xing missed me so much..", cooed Yibo as he rubbed Fanxing's back in circles, "Though you were here for only a few hours. But it doesn't matter cause Mama missed you too~ Now let's go back home,okay? We will do something fun today as you want cause Mama took an early leave."

Fanxing broke from the hug and looked at Yibo with sparkling eyes and a wide smile, " Yay!! I'm so happy! Mama is the best!"

Yibo chuckled and lovingly ruffled Fanxing's hair and stood up from crouching, and as he took Fanxing's bag he saw PieXin and Guocheng coming running towards them while Zhuocheng and Ji Li followed their sons.

"Uncle Bobo! It's nice to see you!", the little ones exclaimed as they came to a halt.

"Aww, ah-Cheng and and ah-Xin it's nice to see you too!", Yibo smiled widely at those two adorable( but not more than Fanxing according to Yibo,and if you ask Yibo he would deny that he was actually being biased) 5 year olds.

"Hey, Yibo! What's up?!",Zhuocheng said while Ji Li came to hug him.


Well, with time Yibo has come to be really comfortable with these two. They were the closest to what he had as friends and brothers.Though he was younger then them they treated him as an equal, it was because of them that it had got so easier for him to start working and yet take great care of Fanxing and Zhan-ge, as they would share with him how to overcome those problems as they had went through same stuffs being a mother and taking care of the family.

A mama, Fanxing's mama, it had been three and a half years since he had been bestowed with that title, and he has been proudly holding onto it. A lot of things changed in his life, Yibo successfully completed his fashion and design course and was lucky to get to work as a designer at a newly opened clothing store which provided him with flexible hours of working, but now two years later the shop was flourishing and he has a lot of merits under his name.

Yet, he was glad Zhan-Ge didn't tell him to leave the house, he knew his Zhan-Ge would never do that. His Zhan-Ge still treated him the way he always did. Always so gentle, always so understanding and filling both Yibo's and and Fanxing's life with so much happiness.

"So when are you both gonna confess and confront each other with your feelings?", Zhoucheng said nonchalantly as he took a sip from his blueberry smoothie, while Ji Li looked at Yibo while sipping his kiwi smoothie. They both broke into a chuckle when Yibo choked on his chocolate cold mocha. Well, at nursery, out of the blue they made plan to go window shopping at the mall along with the kids cause it has been a long time since all three of them had went out together,along with the kids. So now they were sitting at a cosy cafe at the mall after being exhausted from shopping, they had actually bought a lot even though all three promised that they would just look at the things at display. The kids were playing at the kid zone at the cafe, while Zhoucheng and Ji Li took the time to interrogate Yibo.

"What are you talking about, Cheng-Ge?!", Yibo said wiping his mouth with a tissue.

"I'm serious here. It's been years since you two fools have been infatuated with his each other, but when will you both come up with the guts to actually voice your thoughts out loud? Even someone as dense as Ji Li can tell you guys like each other.", Zhoucheng said looking pointedly at Yibo.

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