Ch 7

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The next morning Yibo woke up to the smell of bacons being fried. He knuckled his sleepy eyes and groggily got out of the bed, wore a sweater, and walked out of the room to find Xiao Zhan cooking in the kitchen.

Hearing steps behind him Xiao Zhan turned to find Yibo sleepily walking to the dining area. He found Yibo's eyes were red and puffy as an evidence of last night's crying. Learning about the younger's past was so heartbreaking for Xiao Zhan. He wouldn't even put his enemy in such a situation. And how cruel those people had to be to put Yibo, from his childhood till now, through such hardships.

"Morning,Bo-di~~ Did you sleep well?", Xiao Zhan inquired as he switched off the stove and placed the plate of bacons on the table which was already filled with toasted bread, butter, eggs and a jug of orange juice, and took a sit himself across Yibo. Little Fanxing was watching his favorite morning cartoon in the living room as he fed him earlier.

"Zhan-ge, morning, I had a good sleep, probably in ages. Thanks to you, thanks for listening and telling those encouraging words that I really wanted to hear.", Yibo tiredly smiled but his eyes were glinting with true happiness.

Xiao Zhan smiled back and stretched his right hand to grab Yibo's hand across the table, then he gently squeezed it, "Bo-di, I'm glad to come to your help, now and always. I should thank you too. Thanks for trusting me enough to open up and also for following me home that day."

Yibo sniffed back tears and smiled lovingly at Xiao Zhan, which made Xiao Zhan think watching Yibo smile was truly a sight to see. Yibo was as pale as jade and had a sharp jawline. It felt that the God had made perfect cuts and measurements to make him look so handsome. Heck, even with bed hair he looked more charming than Xiao Zhan had ever seen.

Xiao Zhan broke out of his reverie when he saw Yibo struggling to eat with his left hand. He decided to let go of Yibo's hand to let him eat at ease, though it would be a lie if he said he wanted to let it go at all, but when he tried to pull back Yibo grabbed his hand.

"Bo-di, I don't want you to eat uncomfortably.", Xiao Zhan said though his heart skipped a beat when Yibo shook his head, and instead intertwined their hands and strongly held it. The feeling Xiao Zhan felt was so foreign to him yet it was truly a blissful moment to enjoy.

Throughout the breakfast they made small talks, and by the end of it Yibo looked better and was smiling wide at Xiao Zhan. Yibo helped wash the dishes as Xiao Zhan went to check on Fanxing.

Seeing his Baba Fanxing stretched his hand wanting to be carried with a cute little pout. Xiao Zhan cooed at his son and picked him up straight away. Xiao Zhan then walked into the kitchen, where Yibo was washing the dishes.

"Bo-di, wanna go out today? Since the time you have come to Chongqing you have stayed at home and mostly went out to the supermarket or the playground near the apartment complex. Wanna go to The Hongya Cave near Jialing river?", Xiao Zhan said with excitement. Fanxing squealed hearing the plan to go out.

Yibo dried his hand by the towel placed nearby, the cold water didn't seem to really effect him owing to years of practice,and put on a face that said he was thinking, after what seemed liked ages YiBo answered, "Why not?!"

"Yes!", Xiao Zhan said as he did a high five with his son, "Let's get ready then cause we will go now and no buts,Bo-di."

Before Yibo knew all of them were dressed, he borrowed yet another coat from his Zhan-ge, though he now had some of his own owing to Xiao Zhan, but he felt more comfortable and at ease wearing Xiao Zhan's, it made him feel as if he was wrapped in security.

Did Xiao Zhan mind? Not a bit! Why? Because he loved seeing the younger in his coat which were a bit big for his Didi,Bo-di looked so adorable in it, but he would never say it out loud cause Bo-di preferred hearing handsome or charming as means of description. Also it felt he was marking his territory. Territory, for real?! Xiao Zhan quickly shook his head realizing what he was thinking and scolded himself for watching too many wolf related shows.

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