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Two years ago Xiao Zhan had honestly told him about being in love with a girl during his University days and whom he had dated for a few months and before they both knew the girl was already heavily pregnant. Though Xiao Zhan was elated with the news and had promised to take full responsibility, but right after the day Fanxing was born the girl left the hospital leaving behind only a letter in which she wrote how she didn't want anything to do with Fanxing, and she willingly gave the full custody to Xiao Zhan, and told not to look for her as she broke up with Xiao Zhan with just only a letter. She left Xiao Zhan and Fanxing just like that. Xiao Zhan's parents already being dead and no relatives to seek help from,Xiao Zhan was left all alone with a little Fanxing and had to go through a lot of hurdles until he came to the stage of life, he is right now at. Learning this Yibo had actually pitied the girl cause how unfortunate that girl had to be for not realizing the love his Zhan-Ge had for her. But a part of him was also glad,but back then he didn't know the reason why he was glad, but right now he knows. That girl's name was Yangzi and seeing her with his very own eyes Yibo didn't quite like the feeling.

" Why are you getting so impatient? Can't we talk about this after dinner.", Yangzi flirtatiously smiled.

"Listen I don't have all day long unlike you. If you wanna have dinner here that's fine, but first just come to the point. Why the hell are you looking for me after all these years?"

"Zhanzhan...what if I tell you I missed you? What if I tell you I came here to see my son? What if I tell you I came for you two? I want you two in my life this why I came back.",Yangzi said in a small voice as she stood up.

Though Yibo put on a impassive face inside a whirlpool of emotions was going on. He didn't know how to react to this. Was he gonna lose his Zhan-Ge and Ah-Xing just like that?

Xiao Zhan snorted before replying, " You missed me after five years! You remembered you have a son after five years! You came back for us after five years of having no communication with us! What sort of game are you playing Yangzi?! Back then you had no problem leaving us and now you come back claiming this nonsense!", Xiao Zhan was seething with anger. Feeling Xiao Zhan getting angry Fanxing shifted in his arms and called out for Yibo, "Mama."

Yibo stepped forward to take Fanxing in his arms when Yangzi cut him by standing in front of him.

"Yes, I'm your mama baby. I knew my son would want me even if no one does.", Yangzi said as she stretched her hand trying to take Fanxing from Xiao Zhan.

" No! You are not my mama! Mama who is she!Mama!",Fanxing cried getting scared from the woman in front of him.

Yibo didn't hesitate from pushing her lightly to the side and taking Fanxing in his arms. He patted Fanxing's back in order to calm the child down.
" Listen woman, I don't care if you are Fanxing's birth mother or not, but if you make my son cry you will have to pay the consequences.", Yibo said in a nonchalant face though his voice carried how serious he was about it.

"What are you trying to do Yangzi? After all these years, please don't stir any problems in my and Fanxing's life. I have been over you the day I received the letter in hospital. Don't scare my son like that! I am politely saying you to leave my house. You have nothing to do with me and our son, and by our I mean me and Yibo. You have lost your opportunity a long time ago.", Xiao Zhan said rubbing his forehead.

Yangzi snorted, " So you bented that way,huh?! Was me leaving you that painful that you stopped loving girls,huh?! What do you mean by his son?! Fanxing is my son! I carried him for nine months!"

Yibo chuckled and said in a low menacing voice, " So now you are playing 'I carried him for nine months' card. Your responsibility was just bringing him to this world and then abandoning him! Where were you when he needed to be fed his mother's milk and needed the care while he was growing up?! Do you know how hard it was for Zhan-Ge to find a milk that Fanxing could drink cause ah-Xing was that sensitive to milk. Do you even know what was the first word he said? Do you know when he first learned to walk? Where were you when he first time went to school? Do you know his favourite food, colour? Do you know anything about him? Now after five years you are trying to berg in his life! I may not have given birth to him, heck how can I..", Yibo paused to chuckle a bit and continued, "...but since the day he started to call me mama I have always faithfully tried to fulfill this gap you left behind. But don't mistake it as me being a substitute for you. They didn't force me in anything. It was me who did it willingly. So instead of creating all this hassle, as long as I'm being polite, leave our house and don't come back.", Yibo ended by giving a smile to Yangzi which was so cold that made Yangzi involuntarily shiver.

Xiao didn't know whether he was shocked or amused at Yibo, cause this was first time in so many years that he had seen this side of Yibo. But for one thing he was really glad that this attitude wasn't directed at him. He just stared at Yibo with admiration for standing up for his son against this woman.

" it true that she is my real mother?", Fanxing said in a low voice and teary eyes.

Everyone looked at Fanxing who was clinging to Yibo like a baby koala.

"Yes! Ah-Xing! I'm your real mother! Son don't you want to meet me!", Yangzi said while trying to make her voice sound sad.

" I..I always wanted to meet you.", Fanxing said as he shifted in Yibo's arms to look at Yangzi. It made Yangzi smile victoriously, while Yibo and Xiao Zhan shockingly looked at little ah-Xing.

What's gonna happen?! Well, let's find it out on the next chapter😁

Here's my promised double update for you lovely readers! I hope you like it and thanks for all the comments which give the energy to write! Love you all!❤️❤️

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