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" you.", that's what Xiao Zhan last heard before the line went blank without letting him comprehend what he heard, and thus wasn't able to reply anything in return.

Xiao Zhan still kept holding his phone, in a stupor, until his colleague Xai Kun came to ask for a material.

"Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan!", Xai Kun called loudly.

Xiao Zhan quickly looked up to the source of voice as his phone slid through his hand, and fell down on the floor it made Xiao Zhan curse as he tried to get the phone.

"Yeah,Kun-Ge , what is it?"

"Well, I wanted the materials you prepared for the class on Wednesday to see what I'll need to prepare on your absence."

"Oh, wait, I'll give you in a sec.", Xiao Zhan said as he opened his laptop.

"By the way, what made you think so hard that you couldn't even hear when I called you for so many times.", Xai Kun nagged.

What Xiao Zhan was thinking?! Xiao Zhan unconsciously blushed but he was thankful that his back was facing Xai Kun or else that guy would have started to tease Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan himself wasn't sure if what he had heard was right, yet his heart thumped louder whenever he remembered those two words. In so many years they have been living together they both never exchanged these two words. Because this was a boundary Xiao Zhan himself was scared to venture into as he didn't want to lose what little he had with Yibo.

He was sure of his feelings towards Yibo, but was scared to voice it out loud,in fear of not having his feelings returned. Xiao Zhan knew Yibo was still young while he himself was turning 28( I know 28 ain't an age near old but China have something with people aging you should already be accustomed with it cause the way they keep bringing Zhan's age in t.v. shows)in a few months and was with a son, who in a right sense would want to love him. But the words that he heard at the end was it his own imagination playing with him? Was he that much in love with Yibo for his mind to make up these words?

"Xiao Zhan! You are again ignoring me!", Xai Kun exasperatedly nagged.

Xiao Zhan sighed took the printed material and handed it over to Xai Kun with a forced smile.

"Kun-Ge, here's your material and that way is the door so see yourself out, will you.", Xiao Zhan said as he stood up to go to a class he has to take in 10mins.

Locking the car, Xiao Zhan went to the elevator and pressed the button for 6th floor. He had a great mood right now, the students were cooperative today and earnestly listened to him. On his way home, he bought a dozen doughnuts from their favourite pastry shop and was lucky to get 50% discount for being the 100th customer on its 10th anniversary. Tonight he was about to eat his favourite Sichuan cuisine made my Yibo, after that he planned to play with his little Fanxing, following that he would tuck Fanxing to sleep after which he would definitely cuddle with Yibo. What more  can he ask for?! Thinking about this brought a large smile involuntarily on his face. Getting out from the elevator he strode  towards their apartment, only to abruptly stop in his tracks when he saw the one person he never thought he would see again.


Xiao Zhan closed his eyes,took a sharp breath and slowly let it out. When he opened his eyes he found the person still standing in front of his apartment and looking at him. What the hell?! How come after all these years that person found the guts to come in front of him?! Though Xiao Zhan was seething inside he kept a neutral face and replied, "Yangzi...what are you doing here?".

"Zhanzhan.. I came to see you.", Yangzi said in a casual voice as if they frequently meet.

"Well, I don't see any reason for you to come and see me.", Xiao Zhan said nonchalantly.

"Don't be like this Zhanzhan. Won't you even invite me in?", Yangzi said while blinking her eyelashes as if trying to act cute.

When Xiao Zhan's classes would end quite late and he would return home quite late, Yibo would lock the doors as a safety measure. As today was one of those days Xiao Zhan took out the keys and started unlocking the door. Though he didn't want her to be here but telling her no would lead to more bargaining which he didn't want right now. Once she would tell why she was here he would himself let her out of his door.

Hearing the locks unlocking and the door opening Yibo excitedly stood up from the couch and Fanxing followed his mama. One looking would say as if they both were a pair of a duck and its duckling. When they approached the door the first thing they saw was a woman. Yibo bemusedly looked at the woman.  The woman looked at him and smiled which seemed quite artificial.  Seeing Zhan locking  the door behind the woman Yibo questioningly called him, "Zhan-Ge.."

Xiao Zhan turned around hearing Yibo call him, to find a confused Yibo and little Fanxing holding onto Yibo's right leg.

"Hey, Honey, ah-Xing!", Xiao Zhan replied with an exciting voice. He was really glad to see the two person who means the most to him after a whole day's hard-work. He walked over to Yibo  and handed the pack of doughnuts to him, " Honey, I bought ah-Xing's favourite doughnuts."

"Honey..?", Yangzi asked shockingly.

Yibo didn't know why but he, for sure, didn't like the woman suddenly intruding their home. So out of the blue he went with his instinct and lightly kissed  Xiao Zhan's cheek and said with a smile, "Welcome back,Zhan-Ge"

Xiao Zhan was shocked was a understatement, but it was a pleasant shock. Yibo's kiss was a small touch on his cheek yet he could still feel its presence. He looked at Yibo with a grin to find him blushing a light shade of red. When they locked eyes nothing seemed to matter for Xiao Zhan as he felt the time stopped. Hearing clearing a voice behind him they both broke from their gazing.

" Are you guys gonna keep standing here?", Yangzi asked impatiently.

" What if we do?", Yibo asked daringly.

Yangzi seemed to be taken aback by the reply as she clearly didn't expect it.

Xiao Zhan chuckled while crouching down to take Fanxing in his arms and then he moved towards the living room while Yibo went to the kitchen to keep the pack of doughnuts, and obviously Yangzi followed Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan peppered Fanxing's face with kisses and hugged him tight cause for sure had miss his beloved son. While he kept standing, carrying Fanxing, he motioned Yangzi to take a sit on the couch.

"Yangzi, I hope you won't beat around the bush and straight come to the point about why you are here.", Xiao Zhan said in a demanding tone.

When Yibo sauntered into the living room and heard the name 'Yangzi' he wrecked his brain to remember where he heard this name. And suddenly he remembered who she is!

Hey, my lovely readers! Here's a much awaited update for you guys!
One more thing I've nothing against Yangzi so I hope if you guys are her fans you won't take it to your heart after reading this future chapters.  I just wrote her name as a mere character of my story.  She is obviously a great actress!

Maybe I'm in a mood for double update so you can find ch-11 in a few hours.😁😁

Don't forget to comment how you like the chapter!❤️❤️

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