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"To tell you the truth I wanted to meet you to tell you thank you. Thank you for leaving me cause if you hadn't, I don't think me and Baba would ever meet Bo mama.  I know Bo mama isn't my real mother,unlike you, but he is all I need. He is a man but he never feels ashamed to be called mama. He embraces it with such a pride. Someday I want to be just like Bo mama. He is so cool!", Fanxing giggled at the end and looked at Yibo to give  a kiss on his cheek.

Yangzi was stunned at the words of a 5 year old. No one expected Fanxing to say these words. Yibo's eyes glistened with unshed happy tears as he looked at Fanxing with such warmth. This little boy gave him so much happiness.  Xiao Zhan had a wide smile on his face watching the scene. He strides towards those two and took them both in a hug, and sighed happily.

"When did my Ah-Xing grew so big? Do you even know the meaning of the words you said earlier?", Yibo asked Fanxing teasingly.

"Well, mama, I will tell you a secret. Except the part that I'm thankful for having you and that you are cool and I want to be like you, everything else is what I heard and learned from ChengCheng-jiu and LiLi-jiu. But I know it's something true and right so I told her. Why, is it something bad?", Fanxing tilted his head as he tried to look at both Xiao Zhan and Yibo with a big smile. They both laughed at their little adorable son and both kissed him on each side of Fanxing's cheeks.

"ZhanZhan can't you give me a chance.... Back then I was only 22. I..I was too young to take care of a child. I was scared which made me took that decision. I.. I truly regret doing that. Please give me a chance to make it up to you and Fanxing. Fanxing, mother would make it up to you, please give mother a chance. Didn't you used to love me a lot? I know it's been five years but can't we start it from the beginning, you , me and Fanxing. I know you must have to be a lot in love with me to bent that way . But now I am back, please give me a chance.", Yangzi said as a tear streamed down her face.

Xiao Zhan scowled at her before retorting, "Why are you insisting that you are the reason that made me turn into liking boys?! Don't you give yourself too much importance! And what's with liking Yibo and liking boys! It doesn't matter if I'm in love with anyone else or not, but giving you a chance is out of the topic. I would rather be single for my whole life rather than bringing you back in my life! And you say about 22 being young?! Yibo started to look after Fanxing when he was only 18 years of age! Age has nothing to do with being a mother or a father! The only thing needed to be a parent is to have a heart for your child, which you obviously don't seem to possess! And don't you belittle me trying to say I bent that way! What if I did? Who are you to tell me that?! The only people in my life matters are Yibo and Fanxing! Listen if you still want to eat dinner you are free to have it but after that please leave. I had a really pleasant day, but you came and totally ruined it.  I really wanted to play with Fanxing and later cuddle with Yibo~~", as Xiao Zhan was venting his anger he himself didn't realize when he got whiny at the end.

Yibo and Fanxing chuckled hearing Xiao Zhan's words at the end which made Xiao Zhan look at them with a visible pout. Xiao Zhan lightly jumped at Yibo, who was holding Fanxing in his arms, and as Xiao Zhan didn't put much force, all three of them thus didn't kiss the floor.

Holding the father and son now Yibo lightly scolded Xiao Zhan, "Zhan-Ge, what if we fell and got hurt?"

" Well, obviously we didn't so it's okay, right?", Xiao Zhan said with a grin showing off his bunny teeth in full display.

Yangzi looked at Yibo with venom in her eyes. She felt enraged thinking that she could have been in that place. If only she didn't made that rash decision maybe her life wouldn't turn out like this. She wouldn't had to beg for the position that originally belonged to her. That time she believed Xiao Zhan won't be able to make anything out of his life, and if she stayed with him her life would end in misery. But when she found out from a mutual friend of theirs that how much Xiao Zhan has progressed in his life while she was still struggling, also knowing about his single status she decided to come back and try her luck. Believing she would be able to charm him and get to live a life she really wanted. But now that someone else has snatched her place she absolutely hated Yibo. Seeing them being so happy and engrossed she cleared her voice and replied.

" I.. I..get it. You are over me. But if you don't mind can you let me stay the night. I came straight from Beijing today and have no one who can let me stay at Chongqing. On my way here my phone was robbed so I don't have any money with me right now. So let me stay the night and I will leave quickly in the morning.", Yangzi said while trying to sound really sad.

Xiao Zhan clicked his tongue annoyingly. " Okay, you can sleep at Fanxing's room but you need to leave quick cause totell you the truth I really can't stand you."

" Thank you so much! So it means I can sleep with Fanxing? I know I'm not the best mother but can I get to know my son-", before Yangzi could finish Fanxing injected, " I would rather sleep on the street than be sleeping in the same room as her. Tonight,please let me sleep with Mama and Baba."

Fanxing was really tired with the drama from earlier so as soon as his head hit the pillow he fell into a sound sleep. On his either side was Xiao Zhan and Yibo.

Breaking the night's tranquility Xiao Zhan spoke, "Honey, if any word of Yangzi has hurt you than I'm sorry."

" What are you apologizing for, Zhan-Ge? No words from anyone has the power to hurt me, unless your's", Yibo replies as he shifted to take hold of Xiao Zhan's hand over Fanxing,and squeezes it lightly.

Xiao Zhan holds on to the hand tightly,intertwines their hands, as he closes his eyes to let sleep wash him to dreamland. Though he couldn't play with Fanxing or cuddle with Yibo,having them by his side as he slept was more than satisfying.

The sunlight penetrated through the curtain and fell on Xiao Zhan's face. He slowly opened his face and tried to adjust his vision. He looked at the clock by his bed to find it be 9 in the morning. He let go of the duvet and stood up from the bed, not before peppering Fanxing and, yes, Yibo's sleeping face. This was the only time he would sneakily kiss Yibo's face but never having the guts to approach Yibo's lips.

He went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. They have divided the task of preparing food. While Xiao Zhan prepares breakfast Yibo opts for dinner. Now that they both are working it actually makes their life quite easier. As he closed the fridge after bringing out some eggs and ham he found Yangzi walking into the kitchen. He prevented himself from rolling his eyes and frowned.

" After breakfast please leave.", Xiao Zhan said as he tried to look for a dashboard. When he turned around he found Yangzi standing really close to him.

"Zhanzhan, I truly have missed you. And somewhere in your heart you miss me too. Though my words may be enough to make you remember those days we shared, but my touch would.", Yangzi said seductively.

Xiao Zhan was about to  move away. However, before he could do so he felt lips on his own. He froze instantly. As Xiao Zhan got hold of the situation he pushed Yangzi and found Yibo by the entrance of the kitchen. His eyes went wide. He desperately called out to Yibo to make sure Yibo wouldn't misunderstand.
"Honey!..It's..", before Xiao Zhan could finish Yibo rushed out of the kitchen. Xiao Zhan was about to rush after Yibo but Yangzi took hold his hands strongly

"Why are you going after him? He wouldn't react like that if he trusted you. Zhanzhan I'm still here-", Yangzi was roughly prevented from completing the sentence as Yibo came again with he bag and took hold of her hands to drag her out his house.

Before exiting the kitchen he looked at Xiao Zhan and said , " You stay here.", void of any emotion.

Yibo threw her out of the house with her bag and said menacingly , " If you ever try to come and create havoc in our lives I will not hesitate to call the police and get you behind the bars. And you know you don't have any legal rights over Xiao Zhan or Fanxing! So now scram!", and Yibo closed the door with a thud on Yangzi's face.

Xiao Zhan stayed rooted at the place and when he saw Yibo striding towards him. He didn't know what to say but when he was about to open his mouth to clarify things between them, though he didn't know why he had to clarify himself in the first place cause it doesn't seem Yibo would care much, but his words died down when he found those moist lips,which he has always dreamily gazed upon,against his own.

Here you go! An update for you great readers!

Some comments from last chapter were hilarious!😂 And some of you were close to what I actually wrote. This made me realize that you guys are as invested in my story as I am and I'm really thankful for it!❤️

Don't shy to comment about how you liked the update😁

Till  the next time.

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