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Yibo wiped his hair and came to the living where Fanxing was busy coloring a picture book using crayons on the floor. He walked passed by him and stood by the balcony where the gentle evening breeze of summer was swiftly passing by while caressing his cheeks lightly. He kept the towel on the drying tool and closed the sliding door behind him.

Normally around this time they would be at the playground; however,today after lunch he had meant to made ah-Xing  take a nap but he didn't realize when his eyes closed and when he woke up he had to take a bath. As it became this late he thought of skipping their daily routine for today. Fanxing was such a good baby he didn't even complain about this.

Since spring they had started to visit the playground on daily basis. Fanxing played their on his own while Yibo would stand by his side watching him play or sometimes playing along with him, while all the time a gentle smile would play on his face. At morning Yibo would always wake up first, years of waking early wasn't going to leave him any soon, then would prepare the breakfast and call for Xiao Zhan to wake up while taking Fanxing to feed his food.

Xiao Zhan would then hastily leave for the University, but not before kissing Fanxing on his cheeks as Yibo would carry the little boy on his hips, and then Xiao Zhan would hug them both tight. Without hugging them both Xiao Zhan couldn't even imagine starting his day. If you ask when he started including Yibo in the hug he couldn't actually remember but he wouldn't want it any other way.

While Yibo would stay at home, his time occupying with Fanxing, cleaning or cooking, or laying around the house. But time from evening onwards was better. As told earlier he would leave the house with Fanxing for the playground. One more thing was he recently made a friend at the playground. You couldn't actually call her a friend as she was a decade older than Yibo but had a son around Fanxing's age. She was more of a Jie, Zhao Liying( If you know who I'm referring to ^^) Jie. How they came to talk was truly a wonder. Both found it difficult to interact with other mothers as for Yibo, unknowingly Yibo had got accustomed to the title of a mama but he was only Fanxing's mama as long as Fanxing would allow, they were older than him and for Liying they were younger, and not to forgot both were somewhat socially awkward. So somehow Fanxing playing with Liyang(sorry! I really don't know her son's real name) brought them closer and she became a more of a big Jie(sister) for him.

She was actually fun to be around and he could actually get any information regarding what to feed Fanxing, or anything that would keep Fanxing healthy as he was actually new to taking care of a kid. And she loved to share all this information with Yibo. She even sometimes brought home made snacks for him to try and comment as she had recently got into cooking. Yibo would sincerely praise her if it was good and if it wasn't he would even criticize it which Liying Jie didn't mind at all and then Yibo would point out the mistakes which Liying would note down.

After returning from the playground he would get into cooking dinner so that the food would be ready before Xiao Zhan arrived. Then Yibo would give a summary of what he and Fanxing did the whole day while eating which Xiao Zhan listened with full attention and would provide perfect response to Yibo. In exchange Yibo would listen to Xiao Zhan's day at University,and it always seemed that even though Xiao Zhan complained about how much work he had to undertake he actually really enjoyed teaching those students.

After dinner Xiao Zhan would take a bath( well, it depended on Zhan's mood whether he wanted to take a bath before or after dinner) and then play with Fanxing till both, Baba and son, were content. Yibo would sit by them occasionally sipping tea or sometimes would join them. The house would rattle with laughter, or squeals of both Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo if Fanxing learned a new word or acted cute in front of them. The night would always end in a bliss. Then they would look forward to the next day for what it would bring in. When they fell into such a domestic pace neither of the two has any idea. But for now both of them were really content. Having each other and their little Fanxing was more than they could bargain for in life. For now they would name it as familiarity waiting for the future to replace it with something new,maybe.

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