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"Bo-di, want me to help decorate the Christmas tree?", questioned Xiao Zhan as he kept the large box full of things to adorn the tree. When he looked at Yibo, he found Yibo's eyes glowing with happiness and nodded vigorously. Xiao Zhan lightly smiled and motioned Yibo to come and help him.

After an hour, they both were proud of the outcome of their hard work as the middle sized Christmas tree was blindingly lighted up with such beautiful lights and stars and atop sat an unicorn shaped light instead of a star, why? Because  Yibo wanted the shimmering white unicorn light to be there, and who is Xiao Zhan to say to 'no' to him.

Fanxing delightedly clapped his hands as he circled around the Christmas tree, which stood at the right-hand corner of their living room. Xiao Zhan sat on the sofa and happily watched Fanxing while Yibo went to prepare a feast for them. It was Christmas Eve and Xiao Zhan's friends were coming over to celebrate the day with them.

When Xiao Zhan brought the topic of buying a Christmas tree Yibo got really excited as he had never seen one in one's home except the ones on streets that are lighted up for the occasion, actually even when one be lightened up in his previous'so called home' he had the liberty to steal a few glances from afar. Finding Yibo this much excited and knowing it would be Fanxing's 1st Christmas to spend in Chongqing he went out and bought one which he found most suitable for the apartment.

As Yibo put light touches to the table full of scrumptious food, the door bell rang. Xiao Zhan went to open the door and was welcomed with Yubin's bright smile, which made him involuntarily smile. He found Ji Li and little Yu
(Guo) Cheng beside him and let them enter. Even before he could close the door there came another bell, and this time it was Hai Kuan , Zhoucheng and their little baby Pie Xin.

As they enter, Xiao Zhan hugged everyone and greeted the kids cutely. They handed over the gifts that they had brought for these three, though Xiao Zhan had said there was no need of it. Xiao Zhan called over Yibo,as he knew Yibo would be nervously hiding in the kitchen, Yibo shyly greeted everyone and was reluctant to take the gift, not because he didn't want them but because he felt he didn't deserve those, but when Xiao Zhan reassuringly smiled him, he accepted them with gratitude.

"Aigoo, Zhan-ge , where did you find such an adorable babysitter?!", exclaimed Ji Li pinching Yibo's cheeks.

Xiao Zhan swatted Ji Li's hand with a light chuckle and pulled Yibo by his side with slight possessiveness shimmering in his eyes, unconsciously.

Ji Li chuckled as Yubin coiled his right arm around Ji Li's waist with a smile playing on his hand.Haikuan and Zhoucheng shook their head in amazement and Haikuan addressed Yibo with a smile , "Yibo, we have met before, me and Yubin. It's really nice to meet you again. You haven't met our husbands yet, I guess.", Haikuan took Zhoucheng's hand and continued, "He is my husband Zhoucheng  and that's our three old, the one in blue sweater, Ah-Xin . The one Yubin has his arms around is Ji Li his husband and that's their two year old, the one in grey sweater,ah-Cheng ."

Yibo tilted his head a little looking confused but quickly shyly greeted everyone, " It's nice to meet you all.", though trying to put a stoic face.

Everyone literally cooed at his cuteness while Xiao Zhan smiled at him.

"You guys should know that today Yibo cooked and it looks so delicious so instead of chatting here let's go and dig in!", Xiao Zhan exclaimed at everyone.

They merrily ate and talked about Xiao Zhan's some embarrassing childhood stories, to which Yibo seemed really interested. It was a hearty dinner and Yibo enjoyed every moment of it. For him it was the 1st best Christmas he had and it was all thanks to Xiao Zhan.

After everyone left, it was quite late at night.
Fanxing had already fallen asleep after playing all day long with the other two kids he was exhausted.  Xiao Zhan was about to get a bottle of water from the kitchen when he found Yibo by the living room's balcony. He walked over to Yibo forgetting about the water.

Hearing footsteps behind him Yibo looked back to find Xiao Zhan walking over him. He shifted on the bench at the balcony to make some space for Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan took a seat and looked in front, silently watching the night sky and the surrounding.

"Ge, thanks for today! I really had lots of fun. You have great friends.", Yibo shyly sayed.

Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo and lightly smiled, "You're most welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed."

"Ge,....I...wanna say you something. You know..", Yibo's voice broke and it seemed sad.

"You don't need to force yourself in saying something you don't want to", Xiao Zhan assured him.

"No, I want you to know. If it's You then I can tell it.", Yibo took a deep breath and started, "You know my parents were always a workaholic and didn't have much time for me as a child. When I was six they passed away in an accident leaving me in the custody of a long distant relative. As a child losing my parents was hard,even though they weren't there for me much, but the family that took me in gave me a ride to the hell. They came in to live in my house but made me sleep in the attic which was used as a storage as well. At the age of seven, I was made to work around the house and cook for them. I remember getting cuts and burns from cooking but no one came to my aid when I cried. In front of outsiders they acted as if they took really good care of me but it was far from the reality. If it wasn't enough they decided to give my hand in marriage to a woman who is three decades older than me in exchange of money while I had no say in it. They decided they would legalize it when I turn 18. I knew it since I was 16 so I started to run errands for one of my teachers at school who would than pay me a little. That's why as soon as I graduated high school I eloped with the little money I had and the rest you know."

By the time Yibo ended tears were streaming down his face as he trembled, reminiscing all those dreadful years were so traumatizing. He suddenly felt a warm arm around his shoulder as he was brought into a bone crushing hug. He clutched the back of Xiao Zhan's sweater tight and cried till his heart felt light, all the while Xiao Zhan kept patting his back while trying to prevent himself from breaking into tears himself. He can't imagine how heartless those people have to be for letting Yibo go through this.

"I'm so sorry to know this Bo-di. I'm so glad even at such an young age you had the courage to elope even though you had no idea what your future would hold after you get out from there. I'm so glad you asked for my help at the station. You should get this, from now on, whatever you wish you had you couldn't fulfill you tell me. I will try to fulfill them. You should get this right I am here for you and always will be. You.. you.. are really precious to me and Fanxing."

Hey, my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed reading this! Thanks to all those who viewed and voted for my story!😭Thank you so much!!!

And I know you guys must be waiting for November 1 and 2 just like me! I can't wait for the Nanjing concert! I know Yibo is going to keep us Yizhan shippers well fed just like he kept in Thailand's fan meet!
If you can tell by now, my bias is Yibo! I just love Wang Yibo! And Xiao Zhan is a bonus for me. Haha just kidding. I love them both equally!
Don't forget to comment whether you liked the chapter,and who's your bias?

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