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I wrote this chapter while listening to "Bol4's 'To my youth", " I.O.I's ' Downpour" and "Produce x 101's Me After You' by: Seongwoo, Junho, Yohan, Hyunbin and Zhiyue", I think you might want to read it while listening to it^^

Xiao Zhan was busy looking at the tasks needed to be done once he started to work as an 'Graphics Design Professor' at the local renowned University.He was glad his friends recommended him about that place, and he can't wait to join them from the 1st week of January. Abruptly, the chilling wind of the december coming through the open window, made Xiao Zhan shiver while gritting his teeth. How did he forget to close the window?! He rushed to the window and closed it quickly.

Coming to the living room for warmth, he found Yibo lying on the sofa with Fanxing in his arms while draping a comforter over them. They both were immeresed in watching cartoons. He smiled watching them, but couldn't help chuckle, as well,as it made him realize how childish was Yibo at heart, yet always trying to put a brave facade upfront.

Hearing a low chuckle, it attracted Yibo's attention. He moved his head to find Xiao Zhan standing with a soft smile playing on his face, which brought a smile on Yibo's face unconsciously. " Oh Zhan-ge, are you done with work?"

" For now, yes! What's there for lunch? Ge's hungry,Bo-di~"

Yibo chuckled and stood up from the sofa, making Fanxing whine as he didn't like his human pillow going away. Yibo promised Fanxing to make his favourite food, then only Fanxing let Yibo go. Watching Yibo go to the kitchen Fanxing lost interest on the cartoons and looked at Xiao Zhan who was sitting beside him. " Baba~ kichwen..go.."

Xiao Zhan getting what Fanxing meant he picked him up in his arms,
"Ok, Baba will take you there, but you will have to give a kissy to Baba to grant your wish", just as he finished Fanxing adorned his face with loads of kisses which made Xiao Zhan laugh out loud.

He then happily obliged to what Fanxing said and went into the kitchen,carrying Fanxing gently, where Yibo was engrossed in cutting all the vegetables, and sat on a chair in the dining room which gave a perfect view of Yibo cooking. Seeing Yibo cook had a calming effect on Xiao Zhan himself. Having Yibo around was like a blessing for him. Yibo was accustomed with cooking, cleaning , even helped with looking after Fanxing, maybe helped Xiao Zhan from feeling lonely as well...

Yibo was like the touch of spring in december for Xiao Zhan. It had been two months since they got to know each other and started to live together. In these months, he got to know a lot about Yibo as a person, always considerate about others, unconsciously always there whenever Xiao Zhan needed help with anything. He was so young yet, sometimes felt like he was carrying the heaviest yoke of life. He was the first person in years that Xiao Zhan really wanted to keep for himself and wanted to be there for Yibo as well.

When Yibo would stand at the balcony, near living room,gathering the clothes while the sun would set at the horizon with soft breeze blowing, that was what Xiao Zhan would always look forward to. It may have nothing special to do with it yet, for Xiao Zhan it felt as if Yibo would brightened up and have tranquilizing look descend on his face, that made Xiao Zhan's heart involuntarily feel at peace.

" Earth to Zhan-ge, what have you been thinking? Weren't you hungry? Eat quickly before the food colds down Ge!", Yibo scolds Xiao Zhan.

Watching so many mouth watering dishes: kung pao chicken,spring rolls, wontons, stir fried vegetables,fried rice; Xiao Zhan couldn't help but ask Yibo,"How did you make so many dishes? Wasn't it hard for you to cook so many dishes at the same time?"

" You don't have to worry about these things,
Zhan-ge! You just eat and say how the food tastes. Is it good? Do you like it?", Yibo asked with so much curiosity,that Xiao Zhan mischievously thought about taking some time before answering. Xiao Zhan put on a serious face and answered,
" Bo-di, I think the food tastes.....really...scrumptious!"

" Zhan-ge! You really got me! I was so scared, I thought that it doesn't taste good.", Yibo sighed with relief.

" Well, no matter, what you cook, it always tastes amazing so you don't need to worry about this, and eat."

Fanxing only had eyes for spring rolls and ate to his fullest, which made Yibo really happy. He was really glad seeing them eat. Cooking and doing chores around the house was his only way of comfort during those hard times. When no one cared about him and treated him like dirt, his existence was no better than a dog living on the streets.

No matter what, he would always be thankful to the Almighty for getting him out of that hell, and to Xiao Zhan for treating him like an actual person and providing him with a roof on his head, and in truth treating him equally in everything. Xiao Zhan was like a messiah sent by the Almighty for him. Xiao Zhan has such a sweet heart, and not to forget little Fanxing , who is the most adorable baby out there. Maybe....maybe....for once...he has got a home that will always make him feel welcomed...and.......loved.

After a heartfelt lunch, Fanxing was busy taking a nap, while the two of them watched some variety shows on t.v. while sipping some tea. They both unconscious of when they fell into a domestic pace.

"Ge,...", said Yibo timidly.

"Hmm..", Xiao Zhan answered back.

" Umm...aren't you curious about me..I mean you practically don't know anything about me yet, you seem fine with it. I could have been a serial killer, for all you know."

" You, a serial killer!", Xiao Zhan laughed out loud.

"Zhan-ge!", Yibo whined.

" Jokes apart, it's not like I'm not curious about your past. But I know, someday, you will tell me yourself when it's the right time. Moreover, I'm in no position to force you to say it out loud. So take your time, and you will find me right by your side when you are ready. About the serial killer part, you can never be that. Maybe, it was my instinct which told me to trust myself and take in the most innocent looking eighteen year old out there.", Xiao Zhan said while looking straight into Yibo's eyes.

"Zhan-ge,....thank you!... You know,I will always be thankful to you! Thanks for everything you have done for me!", Yibo said while getting teary.

"Aiyo~~ I have done nothing special. Please, don't cry,Bo-di! It feels like I'm always making you cry. You don't look good when you cry, you know. So smile bright for me, ok? Ge likes a smiling Yibo more.", Xiao Zhan said while patting Yibo's shoulder.

Yibo nodded and wiped his tears with his arms, then smiled softly at Xiao Zhan, which Xiao Zhan reciprocated.


I hope you guys enjoyed it! Don't forget to comment!
And I know our Bo-di sucks at cooking but you will find out why I made him look he can cook food(My bias is just like me so horrible at cooking😂)

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