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Wang Yibo soon started coughing when he tried to gulp down the fruits instead of chewing them well. For a moment, Xiao Zhan kept aside the  matter they were about to discuss and fetch his bag, again, to get a bottle of water. He gave the bottle to Yibo, who drank it while Xiao Zhan tenderly patted his back,as he saw tears coming out of Yibo's eyes due to all that coughing.

"Well, I think it wasn't right to react like that. I'm sorry for this. I think you should eat first and then talk about this. I'm really sorry.", Xiao Zhan said feeling bad watching Yibo in such a state.

" Baba..", Fanxing called out Xiao Zhan looking worriedly at Yibo.

Fanxing even extended his hand and patted Yibo's shoulder tenderly, as if comforting Yibo with this small gesture. Well, you could say our little Fanxing was smarter than his age.

Yibo's heart melted at this adorable gesture. He felt really elated to see Xiao Zhan and Fanxing worried for him. It has been about twelve years or so since anyone showed that emotion for him. He had forgotten how it felt to get attention like this if anything would happen to him. Even though, they were strangers and had met today they were more worried for him then anyone ever was, or ever would be.

Yibo felt his tears streaming down his cheeks. He soon started sobbing which turned into wailing. Xiao Zhan panicked watching Yibo cry like that. "Yibo does it hurt in your throat. What happened? Why are you crying, ah-Bo?"

"Huut(Hurt) huut..!", Fanxing exclaimed at Yibo, primarily wanting to  repeat Xiao Zhan's words. Perceiving Yibo cry like that Fanxing felt dejected and joined in. Fanxing cried in Xiao Zhan's chest while clutching his shirt. Xiao Zhan extended his hand and brought Yibo in a side hug, who kept crying on his right shoulder. He kept patting them both soothingly, seeing them cry like there was no tomorrow.

He was really glad their compartment was mostly empty with a few people scattered really far from their sits, and luckily he found no one was paying attention to them. It not only hurt seeing his beloved son crying for particularly a stranger, but also for the stranger whose wails were like daggers being penetrated in his heart. It was strange to feel something like this for a stranger. Moreover, he was not a person good at consoling others.

As he saw it was futile to prevent them from crying, he could only wait for them to calm down by themselves.
While patting, he looked outside the windows, true to his words the view outside was enchanting,with lands and rivers being outstreched, while the azure sky had a purple, golden and reddish glow signalling that the sun had wrapped up and was ready to depart, letting the moon to soon take his place.

A voice booming from the speaker adjacent to right hand corner of the compartment reminded all that they have arrived to 'Chongqing' station. Xiao Zhan opened his eyes, hard to adjust to the light surrounding the vicinity. He found his head placed on Yibo's, who sleepily snuggled to Xiao Zhan by his arm and seemed completely wore out with dried tears adorning his face, it was same for Fanxing. Xiao Zhan sighed and was worried for those two.

He gently called out to Yibo, who looked up, to come face to face with Xiao Zhan's. Yibo's eyes got wide and he backed away abruptly, making Xiao Zhan chuckle.  He then called out for Fanxing,  who seemed to have a good nap and smiled widely at Xiao Zhan. It made Xiao Zhan feel a little better. His son's smile was so adorable. Yibo sleepily knuckled his eyes and looked outside the window.

" Mr. Xiao Zhan, have we arrived?", Yibo said yawning.

" Yeah, we have. Let's go."

Xiao Zhan got down his luggage, wore his backpack and started moving, while Yibo followed him, which he was glad about.

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